Johanas Baltrimas
  • Books
Argumentavimas remiantis teisės principais: atkuriamasis ir plėtojamasis būdai

Perhaps the most important topic in the study is the matter of two perspectives to reasoning with legal principles. One of them is linked with judicial restraint, it is based on a view that contents of a legal principle can be discovered through earlier cases where it made impact on decisions of judges or legislators.

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Authors: Johanas Baltrimas, Mindaugas Lankauskas
prof. dr. (HP) Egidijus Kūris, doc. dr. Ernestas Spruogis

Europos Žmogaus Teisių Teismo argumentavimas remiantis ankstesniais savo sprendimais

In this paper reasoning with judicial precedents is considered as a superior alternative to speculative reasoning which is not directly based on any source of law. Judicial precedents offer the advantage of law being publicly announced in advance. Meanwhile this is not a common attribute of the logically based search of implicit meaning between the lines of statutory rules.

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Authors: Johanas Baltrimas
prof. dr. (HP) Egidijus Kūris ir doc. dr. Ernestas Spruogis

Teisės dalyvauti valdant savo šalį užtikrinimo problemos

Study analyses the right to participate in the governance of the state and the right to enter on equal terms in the State service of the Republic of Lithuania in three aspects: the coherence and consistency of legal regulation ensuring the right to participate in the governance of the state; implementation problems relating this right and institutional aspects related thereof state.

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Authors: Johanas Baltrimas, Eglė Kavoliūnaitė-Ragauskienė
dr. Jolanta Bieliauskaitė, doc. dr. Jurgita Paužaitė-Kulvinskienė

Teisės į teisingą teismą užtikrinimo problemos

The most important issue, which is hoping to be dealt with in this study, is conditions, arising from legal rules and practical tendencies, for infringements of the right to a fair trial. Since courts are the most important implementators and interpreters of law, flaws in their work may cause legal rules not to function in their full extent or with deviations from standards of fairness and justice.

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Authors: Johanas Baltrimas, Mindaugas Lankauskas, Darius Šneideris
doc. dr. Artūras Panomariovas, doc. dr. Jurgita Paužaitė-Kulvinskienė

Teisės į nuosavybę, teisės į ūkinės veiklos laisvę ir iniciatyvą, vartotojų teisių užtikrinimo problemos

The peculiarities of the realization of the right to property, the right to freedom of individual economic activity and initiative, and rights of consumers in Lithuania during the period of 2008– 2012 are analyzed in this study.

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Authors: Kristina Ambrazevičiūtė, Johanas Baltrimas, dr. Eglė Mauricė-Mackuvienė
doc. dr. Vytautas Gavelis, doc. dr. Lina Novikovienė