Projektą įgyvendinti numatoma dvejus metus, jam skirta beveik 1,4 mln. eurų.
Researchers from the Law Institute of Lithuania (LIL) are involved in the implementation of the European Union (EU) twinning project aimed at strengthening Turkey’s legal aid service.
The project is implemented by Lithuanian, Spanish and French consortium. In creating a transparent and accessible to all citizens legal aid system in Turkey, together with partners from Spain and France will participate a team of Lithuanian experts from the Lithuanian Ministry of Justice, the State guaranteed legal aid services, the National Courts Administration, the Supreme Court of Lithuania and the Supreme Administrative Court, activities of Lithuanian experts will be administered by the Central Project Management Agency.
Implementation of the project is planned for two years, with the funding of almost 1.4 million euros.
LIL scientists participated in a number of EU Twinning project. In 2015 Institute researchers together with the National Courts Administration, the General Prosecutor’s Office, Lithuanian forensic center, the Ministry of Justice and the Central Project Management Agency has implemented a project for the Croatian Judicial Academy building.
Funded by the European Commission, Twinning program supports communication between similar institutions from different countries, strengthen the country’s administrative capacity of beneficiaries to help them implement the necessary reforms. Lithuania in this EU program provides expert assistance since 2004. Also Lithuania has won 55 selections for Twinning projects for more than 46 million euros. Lithuania has excellent experience in Twinning program, credibility, experience and expertise of Lithuanian institutions’ is valued not only in beneficiary countries, but also between the partners.