Dr. S. Zaksaitė’s publication published by the prestigious scientific publishing house Springer

A scientific article by Dr Salomėja Zaksaitė, a researcher at the Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences, Institute of Law, has been published in the prestigious Springer publishing house.

The article is of relevance to the academic community, lawyers and the general public, as it contextualises the case of January 13 and the events of January 13 in the context of other trials, criminological theories and protests. The themes of selective justice, the apparently unlawful order to kill and edgework are explored. edgework) temos.

The article Lithuania’s “Bloody Sunday”: a criminological and legal approach" ” was published in the scientific journal „Crime Prevention and Community Safety“.

The scientific article is available at the following link by 20 June 2022..


Straipsnis parengtas pagal Lietuvos mokslo tarybos pagal Valstybinę lituanistinių tyrimų ir sklaidos 2016–2024 metų programą finansuojamą projektą „Sausio 13-osios byla ir įvykiai: teisinis, kriminologinis ir istorinis tyrimas“ (SAUSIO13). Projektas finansuotas Lietuvos mokslo tarybos (LMTLT), sutarties Nr. S-LIP-20-14.