Ongoing projects:
Work-life balance: legal measures and their implementation
The project is funded following a call for proposals from the LMT and is implemented under the Council-funded activity "Postdoctoral Fellowships". Contract No S-PD-23-106/5T-1. Duration of the post-doctoral fellowship: 09/01/2025-08/31/2027. Postdoctoral intern - Dr. Gabrielė Taminskaitė-Kočiūnė. Postdoctoral supervisor - Dr. Ingrida Mačernytė-Panomariovienė. More.
(Not)prolonging the working life of older women: legal environment, guarantees and intentions (VAM)
Projektą finansuoja Lietuvos mokslo taryba (LMTLT), sutarties Nr. S-MIP-24-29. Projekto trukmė: 2024-09-02–2027-06-30. Projekto vykdytojų komandą sudaro Lietuvos socialinių mokslų centro Teisės instituto tyrėjos: prof. dr. Ingrida Mačernytė-Panomariovienė (projekto vadovė), prof. dr. Sarmitė Mikulionienė, dr. Kristina Ambrazevičiūtė ir dokt. Aistė Leščinskaitė. More.
Impact assessment services for the Lithuanian Prison Service on behavioural correctional programmes
The project is being implemented following the winning of the public service offer by the Lithuanian Prison Service. The project is financed by the Lithuanian Prison Service from the European Economic Area and Norwegian Financial Mechanisms funds for the period 2014-2021, financed by the programme „Justice and Home Affairs“ under the direct funding of the project „Improving the Quality of the Lithuanian Penalty Enforcement System“ No LT06-2-TM-TF-001. Project duration: 11/22/2023 - 05/22/2024. The project is being implemented by Dr Rūta Vaičiūnienė. More.
AI in courts: challenges and opportunities (TeismAI)
The project is financed by the Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT), contract no. S-MIP-23-73. Duration of the project: from 01/06/2023 to 30/05/2025. The research team of the project consists of: LI LCSS Chief Researchers Dr Monika Žalnieriūtė (project leader) and Dr Agnė Limantė, as well as the project junior researcher, PhD student Monika Šukytė. More.
Changes in prison officers’ professional roles within the shifting custodial sentencing policy and practice (PRISTA)
The project is financed by the Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT), contract no. S-MIP-23-67. Project duration: from 01/07/2023 to 30/06/2025. The project team consists of chief researcher Dr Artūras Tereškinas (project leader), senior researchers Dr Rūta Vaičiūnienė and Dr Simonas Nikartas, junior researcher Liubovė Jarutienė. More.
Criminalization of asset legalization in the system of criminal profit control strategies (LEKOSTRA)
The project is funded by the Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT), contract no. S-MIP-23-40. Project duration: from 01/04/2023 to 31/03/2025. The project team consists of senior researcher Dr Skirmantas Bikelis (project leader), researchers Dr Laurynas Pakštaitis and Dr Darius Pranka, specialist Goda Dainauskaitė. More.
The criminal case and events of January 13: legal, criminological and historical research (SAUSIO13)
The project is funded by the Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT), contract no. S-LIP-20-14. Duration of the project: from 01/07/2020 to 30/06/2022. The team of project researchers are: Dr Salomėja Zaksaitė (project Leader), Dr Monika Kareniauskaitė and Dr Sigita Černevičiūtė. More.
Implemented projects:
Methodological assistance to prosecutors in improving the practice of seizing assets of criminal origin
The project is being implemented following the winning of a public service offer of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Lithuania. Project duration: 15/05/2023-15/12/2023. The project team consists of the following LCSS Institute of Law staff members: Dr. Skirmantas Bikelis (project leader), Dr. Darius Pranka, Justas Juodženis and Goda Dainauskaitė. More.
E-training on EU Family Property Regimes (EU-FamPro)
Project website:
The project is part-funded by the European Union under the Justice Programme 2014-2020, Contract No 101008404-JUST-AG-2020/JUST-JTRA-EJTR-AG-2020. Project duration: 2021-04-15 - 2023-04-14. Project partners: University of Camerino (Italy, project coordinators), Institute of Law of the Lithuanian Centre of Social Sciences (Lithuania), University of Almeria (Spain), University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) and Faculty of Law of the University of Rijeka (Croatia). The research team for the Lithuanian part consists of: project leader Dr. Agnė Limantė, Dr. Eglė Kavoliūnaitė-Ragauskienė and PhD Simona Vilkelytė. More.
Government Use of Facial Recognition Technologies: Legal Challenges and Solutions (Face-AI)
The project is funded by the Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT), Contract No. S-MIP-21-38. Duration of the project: 01/06/2021 – 31/05/2023. The project researchers are Dr Rita Matulionytė (Project Leader), Dr Monika Žalnieriūtė, Dr Agnė Limantė and Dr Eglė Kavoliūnaitė-Ragauskienė. More.
Narcotic and psychotropic substance use in prisons in Lithuania: causes, challanges and solutions (NARKOVAR)
The project is funded by the Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT), agreement No. 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-19-0210. Duration of project: 31/09/2020–2028-08-31. The team of project researchers consists of Dr. Artūras Tereškinas (Project leader, fellowship supervisor) and Dr. Mindaugas Lankauskas (Postdoctoral fellow). More.
Ensuring Equal Opportunities for Women in Labour Relations in the Baltic States: A Comparative Analysis (MODA)
This project has received funding from the Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT), agreement No 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-19-0230. Project duration – 24 months. The team of project researchers consists of Dr. Ingrida Mačernyte-Panomariovienė (Project leader) and Dr. Kristina Ambrazevičiūtė.More.
Stalking and Its Relation to Domestic Violence: Perception, Prevalence and Response in Lithuania (PERARA)
Funding was allocated by the Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT), Contract No. S-GEV-21-4. Duration of the Project: 01/02/2021 – 31/12/2022. The team of the project researchers consisted of Prof. Dr. Ilona Laurinaitytė (Project Leader), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ilona Michailovič and PhD student Liubovė Jarutienė. More.
Legal aid for children in criminal proceedings: developing and sharing best practices (LA CHILD)
Project website:
The Project’s overall objective is to contribute to enhancing protection of procedural rights of children in conflict with the law and to foster coherent implementation of Directive 2016/800 in the EU Member States as regards legal aid to children. The Project is co-funded by the Justice Programme of the European Union, and its activities will be carried out from 1 February 2020 to 31 December 2021. More.
Changes in domestic violent behavior: perspectives for developing work with perpetrators at institutional and communal levels (SMEAK)
Funding was allocated by the Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT), Contract No. S-GEV-20-4. Duration of the Project: 01/04/2020 – 31/12/2021. The team of project researchers consists of Ilona Michailovič (Project Leader), Svetlana Justickaja, Rūta Vaičiūnienė and Vaidas Viršilas. More.
Strengthening the capacity of State bodies and local level referral mechanisms to provide safety and support to victims of domestic violence in Azerbaijan
More information about the project:
The project is funded by the European Union under the Twinning program (project No AZ / 16 / ENI / JH / 01/19 (55)). Duration of the project: 01/09/2020–31/01/2022. Together with the Law Institute of the Lithuanian Center for Social Sciences, the project is implemented by the State Committee for Family, Women and Children Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Ministry of Social Security and Labour of the Republic of Lithuania (managing partner), Vilnius University Faculty of Law, the European Social Fund Agency, and the Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft - Institute of Human Rights (junior partner). More.
Defeminised criminal justice: female offenders’ penalties and their experiences of punishment (FemiJust)
This project has received funding from the Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT), agreement No S-MIP-19-39. Duration of the project 01/07/2019 - 31/03/2021. The team of project researchers consists of Dr. Artūras Tereškinas (Project leader), Dr. Rūta Vaičiūnienė, Dr. Simonas Nikartas and Liubovė Jarutienė. More.
Procedural safeguards of accused or suspected children: improving the implementation of the right to individual assessment (IA-CHILD)
The project is funded by the European Commission, its duration is 2019.01 – 2020.12. Project partners: Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences of University of Zagreb, The Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, “Hope for Children” CRC Policy Center, International Association of Youth and Family Judges and Magistrates and Institution of the Ombudsman for Children Rights of the Republic of Lithuania. More.
Increasing the Organizational Capacity of the Women and Children Sections of the Gendarmerie General Command
The project is funded by the European Commission. Project duration: March 2018–March 2020. Project activities will be coordinated by the Lithuanian Police Department under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania. Other project partners: Law Institute of Lithuania, Central Project Management Agency. More.
Research on the experiences of Lithuanian emigrants in punishment during research internship in the United Kingdom
Duration of the Internship: 9/4/2019 – 10/12/2019. This project has received funding from European Social Fund (Project No. 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-14-0174) under grant agreement with the Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT). More.
4 EU Training Sessions on Family Law Regulations for Cross-border Lawyers and Social Services (C.L.A.S.S.4EU)
Project website:
The project was co-funded by European Commission Justice programme (No. JUST-JTRA-EJTR-AG-2016-763874). Project duration: 01 January 2018 – 31 December 2019. Project partners: University of Verona and University of Milano Bicocca (Italy), University of Minho (Portugal), Eötvös Loránd University (Hungary). More.
Towards the effective cooperation between police and other stakeholders: model for the identification, support and prevention of domestic violence (POSIB)
The project is funded by the Research Council of Lithuania. Project duration: 2018 April 09 – 2019 September 30. The team of researchers for the project is made up of LIL scientists: dr. Ilona Michailovič (project manager), dr. Svetlana Justickaja, dr. Rūta Vaičiūnienė, Vaidas Kalpokas (since 2019.01), PhD candidate Evaldas Visockas (until 2019.01). More.
Corrupt legal entities and seizures: international and national perspectives
Duration of the Project: 10/1/2018 – 4/30/2019. This project has received funding from European Social Fund (Project No. 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-10-0294) under grant agreement with the Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT). More.
Enhancement of Legal Aid Quality: General Standards for Different Systems (QUAL-AID)
The project is funded by the European Commission, its duration is 2017.01 - 2019.01. Project partners: J.W. Goethe's University in Frankfurt am Main, Legal Aid Board of the Netherlands, Lithuanian Bar Association, State Guaranteed Legal Aid Service of Lithuania. More.
Implementation of the Best European Practices with the Aim of Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of the Apparatus of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights to Protect Human Rights and Freedoms (APPARATUS)
The project is funded by the European Commission, its duration is 2017.01.03 - 2019.01.02. The project, under the coordination of the Law Institute of Lithuania, is being implemented by a team of experts from the Seimas Ombudsmen’s Office of the Republic of Lithuania, the Lithuanian Law Institute, the Office of the Equal Opportunities Ombudsperson, the State Data Protection Inspectorate, the Vilnius University Faculty of Law and the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights (Austria). The Central Project Management Agency will ensure the financial and administrative management of the project. More.
Strengthening the Legal Aid Service in Turkey
The project funded by the European Commission. Project duration: June 2016–June 2018. More.
Towards Pre-trial Detention as Ultima Ratio (DETOUR)
Project website:
Project implemented by LIL researches in cooperation with partners from Institute for the Sociology of Law and Criminology (IRKS), Austria, Ernst Moritz Arndt University Greifswald (EMAU), Germany, The National Institute of Criminalistics and Criminology (NICC), Belgium, University of Utrecht, Faculty of Law (UU), the Netherlands, Trinity College Dublin (TCD), Ireland and Association of Schools of Social Work in Romania (ASSW), Romania. More.
EU Judiciary Training on Brussels IIa Regulation: From South to East
The project was co-funded by the Justice Programme of the European Union, grant agreement No. JUST/2014/JTRA/AG/EJTR/6854. Project duration: 1 October 2015 – 30 September 2017. Project partners: University of Milano-Bicocca (Italy, project leader), Law Institute of Lithuania, University of Barcelona (Spain) and University of Rijeka (Croatia). More.
Illegal Trade of Excise Goods as Multidimentional Social Phenomenon and the Issues of Control
Project financed by the Research Council of Lithuania. Project duration: 2014.04.01 – 2016.09.30. Researchers: Skirmantas Bikelis, Inga Daukšaitė, Renata Giedrytė-Mačiulienė, Judita Venckevičienė, Milda Kaminskaitė. More.
Youth Delinquency and Victimization
Project financed by the Research Council of Lithuania (agreement No. MIP-018/2013). More.
Problems of Identification of Public Interest in Lithuanian Law: Criteria and Priorities
Project financed by the Research Council of Lithuania. Duration: 2013.04.01 – 2015.09.30. Researchers: Lina Beliūnienė, Rita Matulionytė, Eglė Kavoliūnaitė – Ragauskienė, Egidijus Krivka, Simonas Nikartas, Mindaugas Lankauskas, Milda Burnytė. More.
Strengthening the Work of the Judicial Academy through Curriculum Development and Training in the Use of Expert Witnessing (CRO WIT)
Programme: IPA 2011. Project duration: 2015.02.01 – 2015.07.01. Project partners: Law Institute of Lithuania, National administration of Courts, Prosecutor’s Office, Forensic Science Centre of Lithuania, Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Lithuania, Central Project Management Agency. More.
New European Crimes and Trust-Based Policy (FIDUCIA)
The project funded by European Commision funds under the programme "Criminal behaviour and policy responses in the European Union". Duration: 2012.02.01 - 2015.01.31. Researchers: dr. Algimantas Čepas, dr. Skirmantas Bikelis, Evaldas Visockas, dr. Margarita Dobrynina, Judita Žukauskaitė. More.
Re-socialisation of Offenders in the EU: Enhancing the Role of the Civil Society (RE-SOC)
The project funded by European Commision funds under the programme "Criminal Justice". Duration: 2013.02.01 – 2015.01.31. Researchers: Gytis Andrulionis, Simonas Nikartas, Renata Giedrytė. More.
Restorative Justice Perspectives in Lithuania
Project financed from the Research Council of Lithuania funds. Duration: 2013.03.01 – 2014.12.31. Researchers: Ilona Michailovič, Algimantas Čepas, Skirmantas Bikelis, Margarita Dobrynina, Rimantas Simaitis, Laura Ūselė, Judita Žukauskaitė, Darius Šneideris. More.
The EUCPN Best Practice Conference and the European Crime Prevention Award 2013
The project funded by European Commision funds under the programme "Prevention of and Fight against Crime". Duration: 2012.12.14 – 2014.04.13. Researchers: Milda Burnytė, Alina Mickevič, Matas Mulevičius. More.
Preventing and Fighting Sexual Exploitation of Children
The project funded by European Commision funds under the programme "Prevention of and Fight against Crime" (ISEC). Duration: 2011.12.01 - 2013.11.30. Partners: Children Support Centre (Lithuania), Centre Dardedze (Latvia), Fundacja dzieci niczyje (Poland). Researchers: dr. Margarita Dobrynina, Judita Žukauskaitė. More.
Homicide in Lithuania: Criminological Research
The project funded by Research Council of Lithuania under the programme "Social challenges to national security". Duration: 2012.03.01 - 2013.12.31. Partner - Vilnius University. More.
Social, Economic and Legal Measures for Stability and Development of Families
The project funded by Research Council of Lithuania under the programme "Social challenges to national security". Duration: 2012.03.01 - 2013.12.31. Partner - Vilnius University. More.
Cutting Off Criminal Gain: Interdisciplinary Perspectives of Confiscation of Criminal Wealth
The project funded by Research Council of Lithuania under the programme "Social challenges to national security". Duration: 2012.04.01 - 2013.12.31. Partner - Vilnius University. More.
Restorative Justice and Mediation in Penal Matters - a Stock-Taking of Legal Issues, Implementation Strategies and Outcomes in the Member States of the European Union
The project funded by European Commision funds under the programme "Criminal Justice" (JPEN). Duration: 2011.03.01 - 2013.02.28. Partners: University of Greifswald (Germany), Institute for the Sociology of Law and Criminology (Austria), National Research Institute of Legal Policy (Finland), Centre for Public Policy PROVIDUS(Latvia), Trnava University (Slovakia), Ramon Llull University of Barcelona (Spain), Durham Law School at Durham University (United Kingdom). More.
Substantial Support for Victims: Towards a Holistic Response to Crime. Latvia and Beyond
The project funded by European Commision funds under the programme "Criminal Justice" (JPEN). Duration: 2011.04.01 - 2013.03.31. Project applicant is the Centre for Public Policy PROVIDUS with local and transnational partners: Legal Aid Administration, Ministry of Justice (Latvia); Information Centre, Ministry of Interior (Latvia); State Probation Service (Latvia); Association Skalbes (Latvia); Establishment Centre Against Abuse (Latvia); Talsi Crisis Centre (Latvia); Institute of Law (Lithuania); Victims Support Europe (UK); European Forum for Restorative Justice (Belgium); Victims Support Scotland (UK). More.
Development and Implementation Integration into the Labor Market Model, Tools, Services for Convicts, Ex-prisoners and Their Family Members
The project funded by European Commission funds under The Human Resources Development Operational Programme, Priority I, "Quality Employment and Social Inclusion" mean No. VP1-1.3-SADM-02-K, "Integration of social risk and socially excluded people into the labor market." Duration: 2009.03.06 - 2012.02.29. Partners: Vilnius archdiocesal Caritas organization, Lithuanian prisoners patronage fellowship, Vilnius regional penitentiary inspectorate. More.
Community Engagement for Civic Order, Policing and Security
The project funded by European Commision funds under the programme "Integrating and Strengthening the European Research Area". Duration: 2009.11.01 - 2011.10.31. Partners: Metropolitan Police (Great Britain), Comune di Bologna (Italy), Comune di Padova (Italy), European Forum for Urban Security (France). More.
Crime Repression Costs in Context
The project funded by European Commision funds under the programme “Integrating and strengthening the European Research Area”. Duration: 2007.05.01 - 2009.04.30. Partners: Università degli Studi di Firenze (Italy), Fondazione Giovanni Michelucci (Italy), Universitaet Bremen (Germany), Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia (Portugal), Universitat de Barcelona (Spain), University of Miskolc (Hungary), Research and Development Center – Intercollege (Cyprus), University of Ankara (Turkey), Center for the Study of Democracy (Bulgaria). More.
Good Neighbours
The project funded by European Commision funds under the programme "AGIS". Duration: 2005.10.03 - 2007.10.02. Partner - Provincia di Padova (Italy). More.
NMS Contribution to the International Self-Report Study on Violent Behaviour, Attitudes and Victimization among Youth
The project funded by European Commision funds under the programme "DAPHNE". Duration: 2006.02.01 - 2008.01.31. Partners: Stichting dr. Hilda Verwey - Jonker Instituut (Netherlands), Charles University Prague (Czech Republic), University Tartu (Estonia), University of Cyprus (Cyprus), Institute of Justice (Poland),University of Ljubljana Faculty of Education (Slovenia). More.