The Research Council of Lithuania, under the measure “Researcher Groups projects” is funding the project “Artificial Intelligence in Courts: Challenges and Opportunities” (TeismAI), which is being implemented by the Law Institute of the Lithuanian Centre of Social Sciences.

Although the use of artificial intelligence (AI) is planned to improve the accuracy and efficiency of judicial decision-making in various countries, few researches have been carried out on the impact of AI on the judicial system. Therefore, the aim of the research, that is carried out within the framework of the project, is to identify and assess the legal risks associated with the use of AI tools in courts, their interplay with the fundamental principles of the judiciary, and to develop guidelines for the appropriate use of AI by Lithuanian courts.

The project will carry out a comparative study of the practices of countries using AI in the judicial system, focusing on EU Member States, the UK and the US. A detailed analysis of the interplay of the use of AI in the courts with the principles of system and fundamental human rights is also planned.

The publications prepared during the project will offer key principles for the proper use of AI systems in the judiciary, provide suggestions on which AI tools could be useful in the judiciary, and address the risks of the use of AI technologies in the courts.

The research team of the project consists of: LI LCSS Chief Researchers Dr Monika Žalnieriūtė (project leader) and Dr Agnė Limantė, as well as the project junior researcher, PhD student Monika Šukytė.

Project partners: Supreme Court of Lithuania (LT), Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania (LT), University of Exeter (UK), University of Pennsylvania (USA).

Duration of the project: from 01/06/2023 to 30/05/2025.

The budget of the project is around EUR 150,000.

The project is funded by the Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT), contract no. S-MIP-23-73.


Projects’ production

Events organized as a part of the project:

  • On May 22, 2024, in Brussels, Belgium, Dr Monika Žalnieriūtė (projects’ leader) organized and moderated a session titled “Facial Recognition in the Modern State” at the 17th international “Computers, Privacy, Data Protection, and Artificial Intelligence” ( conference “To Govern or to Be Governed, That Is the Question”;
  • On July 10, 2024, in Madrid, Kingdom of Spain, Dr Monika Žalnieriūtė (projects’ leader) organized and moderated a session titled “Courts and AI: Judicial Values and Jurisdictional Perspectives” at the annual international conference “The Future of Public Law: Resilience, Sustainability, and Artificial Intelligence”, hosted by the International Society of Public Law (ICON·S), which unites scholars and students from all areas of legal studies;
  • On October 22, 2024, an international conference titled “Artificial Intelligence and Technology in Courts” was held remotely via the Zoom platform. The event brought together experts, researchers, judges, and prosecutors from Europe, North and South America, Africa, Asia, and the Pacific region.

Presentation of project results at conferences and other events:

  • Monika Šukytė (May 22, 2024, Marijampolė, Lithuania), Artificial Intelligence in State Institutions: Towards Technology Adoption. “IQ Forum” titled “Sūduva 2024: How Can Regions Catch the Wave of Success?”;
  • Agnė Limantė (July 10, 2024, Madrid, Kingdom of Spain), AI in Courts in Eastern Europe: Focus on the Baltic States. Annual international “ICON·S 2024” conference “The Future of Public Law: Resilience, Sustainability, and Artificial Intelligence”;
  • Monika Žalnieriūtė (July 10, 2024, Madrid, Kingdom of Spain), AI in the Courtrooms: Impact on Judicial Values. Annual international “ICON·S 2024” conference “The Future of Public Law: Resilience, Sustainability, and Artificial Intelligence”;
  • Monika Žalnieriūtė (October 22, 2024, Zoom platform), Judicial Transparency and AI. International conference “AI and Technologies in Courts”;
  • Agnė Limantė, Maria Dymitruk (October 22, 2024, Zoom platform), AI and Courts in Eastern Europe: Lithuania & Poland. International conference “AI and Technologies in Courts”.

Promoting the results of scientific research: