Project website:
Law Institute of Lithuania (LIL) researchers participate in an international project “Towards Pre-trial Detention as Ultima Ratio” (DETOUR) funded by Justice Programme of the European Commission.
This project is aimed at - exploring and analyzing pre-trial detention practice and examples of best practices in seven European jurisdictions – Austria, Germany, Romania, Belgium, Lithuania, Ireland and the Netherlands. Project will focus on - opportunities for alternative detention models, contribution to developments fostering the avoidance of pre-trial detention and questions regarding interpretation of the grounds for detention.
It is expected that the project will contribute to collection of valuable information regarding pre-trial detention practice models and alternative measures used in different jurisdictions. It is also expected that participating countries will get the opportunity to increase the knowledge on different national models of pre-trial detention and especially on alternative measures observed and analysed. The project is also aimed at increasing mutual cooperation of European countries.
The Netherlands, Romania and Germany will host international seminars to present the results of the project. Vienna (Austria) will host an international conference. An academic paper regarding project results and a methodological tool for criminal justice officials will be prepared and published.
This project will be implemented by LIL researches in cooperation with partners from Institute for the Sociology of Law and Criminology (IRKS), Austria, Ernst Moritz Arndt University Greifswald (EMAU), Germany, The National Institute of Criminalistics and Criminology (NICC), Belgium, University of Utrecht, Faculty of Law (UU), the Netherlands, Trinity College Dublin (TCD), Ireland and Association of Schools of Social Work in Romania (ASSW), Romania. The project will be closed by the end of 2017.
More information can be found on the following page: