Research Council of Lithuania according to “Operational Programme for the European Union Funds’ Investments in 2014–2020” priority axis 9 “Educating the Society and Strengthening the Potential of Human Resources” measure 09.3.3-LMT-K-712 “Development of scientific competencies of scientists, other researchers and students through practical research activities” of action “Development of capacities and cooperation of scientists and researchers through exchange of scientific ideas and scientific trips to and from Lithuania” activity “Development of competencies in a research internship” awarded a Grant for a research internship for a scientist from Law Institute of Lithuania dr. Simonas Nikartas following a submission of project application. 

The aim of the activity “Development of competencies in a research internship” is to encourage experienced and young Lithuanian scientists and PhD students to go abroad for research internships. Internships related to the research activities carried out by scientists are devoted to gathering information and carrying out research in foreign research and higher education institutions.

The objective of the project is to improve the qualification of a researcher as well as to increase international mobility through research on the experience of Lithuanian emigrants in punishment during research internship in the United Kingdom at the Cambridge Institute of Criminology.

The main task is to revise methodology and instrumentation of the research and to conduct empirical field research – interviews with convicts, Lithuanian citizens serving their sentence in the UK correctional institutions, and their supervisory officers.

The research will mainly focus on aspects of sentencing such as adaptation in a foreign country's legal, social and cultural context, subjective legitimacy of the sentence (e.g. perceiving the sentence as fair, proportionate), attitudes to its own prospects and future during and after the execution of the sentence. The research will help to identify ways of improving the care and resocialization of these individuals, taking into account the specific nature of their execution, their cultural and social differences compared to UK citizens.

The internship will contribute to the development of the qualification of the researcher, will help to increase international visibility of Lithuanian scientists, will facilitate the development of cooperation links among Lithuanian researchers and scientists from high level scientific institutions in the UK to develop joint projects in the future and thus to become more involved in the high-level international research area.

Duration of the Internship: 9/4/2019 – 10/12/2019.

This project has received funding from European Social Fund (Project No. 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-14-0174) under grant agreement with the Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT).