For two years, a team of LIL researchers and specialists from the Lithuanian Police Department, together with experts from Latvia, Estonia and Slovenia, will assist the Turkish Gendarmerie in developing a communication strategy that will help to discourage tolerance for violence and promote a civil response to violence against children and women, as well as cooperation between the public and the Gendarmerie in addressing this issue.
There are plans to cooperate with the Turkish Gendarmerie in drawing up an institutional communication strategy for assistance to vulnerable groups of society, developing training programmes, and organizing training activities for various levels of Gendarmerie personnel in all regions of Turkey. During project implementation, public awareness material will be prepared to increase understanding among both law enforcement officers and the public of the problem of violence in one’s immediate environment, the rights of women and children, and the need to increase security.
The LIL has been successfully implementing the EU Twinning Programme since 2015, contributing to the international commitments and foreign policy priorities coordinated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania in the fields of justice as well as development cooperation and support for democracy. The LIL focuses on and participates in international projects aimed at developing and transferring advanced social and scientific innovations to other countries, thereby promoting their political and economic integration into the EU and domestic legal system reforms.
Project activities will be coordinated by the Lithuanian Police Department under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania. Other project partners: Law Institute of Lithuania, Central Project Management Agency.
Project duration: March 2018–March 2020
The project is funded by the European Commission, which has allocated nearly EUR 1.65 million.
The research results were presented at scientific and public events and in various publications:
- Uscila, Rokas. Intervencinė smurtinį elgesį keičianti programa, jos taikymas Lietuvoje:praktiniai ir teoriniai aspektai = Interventional program for changing of violent behavior, its application in Lithuania: practical and theoretical aspects // Kriminalistika ir teismo ekspertologija: mokslas, studijos, praktika XV = Criminalistics and forensic expertology: science, studies, practice = Криминалистика и судебная экспертология: наука, обучение, практика / Lietuvos teismo ekspertizės centras, Lietuvos kriminalistų draugija, Mykolo Romerio universitetas. Kaunas : Lietuvos teismo ekspertizės centras, 2019. ISBN 9789986555469. p. 491-508.
- Uscila, Rokas. Smurtas artimoje aplinkoje: negalią turinčių nukentėjusiųjų situacijos įvertinimas = Domestic Violence: The Situation Assessment of Crimes Victims with Disabilities // Pedagogika / Pedagogy: Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto Švietimo akademija. ISSN 1392-0340. eISSN 2029-0551. 2020, 138, 2, p. 175-192. DOI: 10.15823/p.2020.138.10.