Best Practices Conference (BPC) is one of the most important common activities of the EUCPN - it is organized by the country holding the Presidency in the end of each year. Lithuania will be challenging the Presidency in the II part of 2013. During the EU Presidency Lithuania shall organize a Best Practice Conference on behalf of the EUCPN in order to give all the Member States an opportunity to share the best practices of the crime prevention, the conference will enhance international cooperation of the Member States. In connection with the conference, the competition European Crime Prevention Award (ECPA) will be organized which is also the flagship event and culmination of the EUCPN activities during the whole year.
The theme for BPC&ECPA 2013 will be "Domestic violence”.
The BPC&ECPA 2013 is scheduled to the 11 and 12 of December 2013 in Vilnius, Lithuania. Approximately 250 policy makers, practitioners and researchers from the Member States, Eastern Partnership Countries and EU candidate countries will be invited. The conference will comprise lectures and seminars/workshops, with the aim to disseminate knowledge and discuss experience within the theme and give Member States representatives and other conference participants the opportunity to discuss and exchange experiences. One important element is to present and discuss projects nominated for the ECPA. The winning contribution is awarded with a prize that is handled out at an official prize ceremony.
Duration of the project: 2012.12.14 – 2014.04.13.
- Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania;
- The Department of Justice and Equality of Ireland;
- European Forum for Urban Security (EFUS) (France);
- Union of the Baltic Cities (UBC) (Poland);
- Police Department under the MoI (Lithuania);
- Vilnius County Police Headquarters (Lithuania).
Executors: Milda Burnytė, Alina Mickevič, Matas Mulevičius.
The project is funded by European Commision funds under the programme "Prevention of and Fight against Crime".