In 2007 from all persons supervised in regional penitentiary inspections (8287 persons) only 43% (3637 persons) worked, although 96% of persons in standings were under 55 years old. Here and further – S. Rajunčius, „Penitentiary inspection in 2007“, „Crossroad“, 2008, Vilnius. Statistics show high level of unemployment between working age people (common level of unemployment in Lithuania in 2007 was 4,2%). In 2007 level of recrudescence between persons in standings was 11%, however, common level of recrudescence (of all persons having previous conviction) was 60%. Authors of the project name two causes of high unemployment, recrudescence and consumption of psychotropic substances:

1. Existence of entrenched influential criminal subculture also beyond prison boundaries. For comparison – interview with The Ombudsmen of Republic of Lithuania Albina Radzevičiūtė:
2. There are no models of social support and integration to labour market created, which would combine all resources in a system and could control the rising challenges. During 2006 – 2008 the project „To live free in freedom“ which received financial support from EU funds (the main applicant – VA Caritas) indicated that single efforts of even strong NGO are expensive and insignificant in terms of results. Officials of Penitentiary inspection share similar experiences by providing social support 
The conception of probation system in Lithuania promotes combination of resources for social support providing. Authors of the project understand that in pursuance of fulfilment of this provision is necessary legal, structural and practical empowerment of the system. Prepared project solves previously expressed problems by creating and implementing theoretically and practically reasoned model of integration into labour market and ways of incorporation of NGO and volunteers in probation system. The meaning of EU support for the project is high because random offers now are not enough; this is a way to strengthening of control not problems solving. 
Target group: convicts, ex-prisoners, families at risk.
The project takes place in Vilnius, Druskininkai, Ignalina, Visaginas, Šalčininkai, Sirvintai, Trakai, Varėna cities and regions.
The main objective of the project - to create the target group's integration model into the labormarket.

Project objectives:

1. To create an effective integration into the labor market model for ex-prisoners and their families;
2. To encourage NGOs and voluntary participation and cooperation in the probation system;
3. To ensure effective integration into the labor market for convicted persons and ex-prisoners, testing, implementing and evaluating models developed in the project. 
Project partners:   
Researchers: dr. Gintautas Sakalauskas, dr. Algimantas Čepas, Laura Ūselė, Simonas Nikartas. 
Duration: 2009.03.06 – 2012.02.29.
The project is funded by European Commission funds under The Human Resources Development Operational Programme, Priority I, "Quality Employment and Social Inclusion" mean No. VP1-1.3-SADM-02-K, "Integration of social risk and socially excluded people into the labor market."