Invitation to the annual national conference of Lithuanian criminologists 2024!

LCSS Institute of Law, the Lithuanian Association of Criminologists and the Faculty of Philosophy of Vilnius University invite you to the annual Lithuanian Criminologists' Conference "Contemporary Connections of Criminology: science, practice, everyday life". The conference is dedicated to discussing contemporary issues about the challenges and needs of digital technologies and innovations in the context of criminological science. The conference will focus on the role of rapid change, technology in crime control and the concept of punishment.

The scientific conference will feature presentations from a wide range of disciplines, which will delve into contemporary issues that arise in science, law enforcement and public sector institutions.

The date of the conference is 2024 m. balandžio 19 d. (penktadienis).
Konferencijos laikas: 9:00–17:00
Dalyvių registracija vietoje: 8:30 – 9:00

Registration form.

Conference venue - Vilnius University Science Communication and Information Centre, Saulėtekio al. 5, Vilnius.

Conference program.