Lietuvos mokslo taryba (LMT) skyrė finansavimą Lietuvos teisės instituto (LTI) moksliniam tyrimui „Veiksmingo policijos ir kitų suinteresuotų institucijų bendradarbiavimo link: smurto artimoje aplinkoje atpažinimo, pagalbos ir prevencijos modelis“ („POSIB“). Projektas skirtas įvertinti smurto atpažinimo mechanizmus, esamą pagalbą aukoms, taikomas prevencines priemones, darbo su smurtautojais ypatumus.
As part of this study, the researchers will strive to develop a model for cooperation between the police and other interested institutions. Various cases of violence in one’s immediate environment will be investigated, as well as possible methods for classifying them. The scientists will propose solutions for typical and less common cases, in keeping with the principle of individual case management for violence in one’s immediate environment. Classification of cases, simulation of various situations, and submission of recommendations based on a certain systemisation of cases will not only contribute to effective response, identification of violence, and the selection of appropriate preventive measures, but will also help officials get a clearer understanding of what needs to be done.
Upon completion of the study, a workshop/ discussion will be organised for police officers, prosecutors, social assistance centres, and non-governmental organisations. During the seminar, a cooperation model will be presented, practical issues regarding implementation of the model will be discussed, and methodological material will be shared.
One area of RCL supported activities – Need-driven Research Projects – is designed to finance urgent applied research based on the needs of the state. These are studies according to topics of research and experimental (social, cultural) development programmes that are of particular relevance to the state and are proposed by ministries and other interested state institutions.
Projekto tyrėjų komandą sudaro LTI mokslininkai: dr. Ilona Michailovič (projekto vadovė), dr. Svetlana Justickaja, dr. Rūta Vaičiūnienė, dokt. Evaldas Visockas.
Projekto trukmė: 2018-04 – 2019-09.
Projektą finansuoja Lietuvos mokslo taryba (Sutarties Nr. S-REP-18-5), skyrusi beveik 70 tūkst. eurų
The Research Council of Lithuania (hereinafter – RCL) has allocated research funding to the Law Institute of Lithuania (hereinafter – LIL) for the project “Towards the effective cooperation between police and other stakeholders: model for the identification, support and prevention of domestic violence” (POSIB). The project is intended to assess mechanisms for the identification of violence, existing victim assistance, the preventive measures being used, and the specific features of working with perpetrators.
As part of this study, the researchers will strive to develop a model for cooperation between the police and other interested institutions. Various cases of violence in one’s immediate environment will be investigated, as well as possible methods for classifying them. The scientists will propose solutions for typical and less common cases, in keeping with the principle of individual case management for violence in one’s immediate environment. Classification of cases, simulation of various situations, and submission of recommendations based on a certain systemisation of cases will not only contribute to effective response, identification of violence, and the selection of appropriate preventive measures, but will also help officials get a clearer understanding of what needs to be done.
Upon completion of the study, a workshop/ discussion will be organised for police officers, prosecutors, social assistance centres, and non-governmental organisations. During the seminar, a cooperation model will be presented, practical issues regarding implementation of the model will be discussed, and methodological material will be shared.
One area of RCL-supported activities – Need-driven Research Projects – is designed to finance urgent applied research based on the needs of the state. These are studies according to topics of research and experimental (social, cultural) development programmes that are of particular relevance to the state and are proposed by ministries and other interested state institutions.
The team of researchers for the project is made up of LIL scientists: dr. Ilona Michailovič (project manager), dr. Svetlana Justickaja, dr. Rūta Vaičiūnienė, PhD candidate Evaldas Visockas.
Project duration: April 2018–September 2019.
The project is funded by the Research Council of Lithuania (Contract No S-REP-18-5), which has allocated nearly EUR 70,000.