The Research Council of Lithuania, under the measure "Research Group Projects" supported by the Council, is funding the project (Not)prolonging the working life of older women: legal environment, guarantees and intentions (VAM) implemented by the Law Institute of the Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences (LCSS LI).

With life expectancy increasing and demographic ageing on the rise, the European Commission has recommended that Lithuania reach a working age of 72 years by 2040. Other European Union (EU) Member States are facing the same problem and are increasingly considering extending their working lives. Therefore, many EU countries, including the ones covered by the project (Lithuania, Latvia, Poland and Estonia), are in the process of reforming their labour relations and employment-related legislation.

It is observed that women, despite being more educated, face employment challenges more frequently than men. They are often more likely to make sacrifices for family or work part-time, which leads to difficulties in securing employment, fewer opportunities to hold leadership positions, and lower wages and pension benefits. This type of discrimination is especially prevalent among women nearing or at retirement age. Therefore, it is important to identify which legal measures encourage (or fail to encourage) the employment of older women, ensure fair and non-discriminatory working conditions, and offer protection (or pose obstacles) during dismissals. Additionally, it is essential to examine which measures motivate (or fail to motivate) individuals to remain in the workforce upon reaching retirement age and how employment guarantees shift if a person continues working past the retirement threshold.

To address these questions, the researchers will:

  • analyze employment and demographic statistics from Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, and Estonia for the period 2012–2023 to examine patterns and trends in the transition of women aged 50+ from the labor market into retirement;
  • assess the significance of national and international regulatory documents on equal opportunities, employment, and social security for older women, highlighting differences in national regulations among the studied countries and identifying gaps specific to Lithuania;
  • summarize case law from the European Court of Justice, as well as the courts and labor dispute resolution goverment bodies in the four studied countries, regarding the rights and protections of older women in the workforce;
  • evaluate data and other relevant information provided by governmental institutions and employment agencies on trends that may impact the employment of older women;
  • explore the intentions of women in the four countries to continue (or not) working upon reaching retirement age, taking into account their sociodemographic characteristics;
  • develop recommendations for potential legal improvements regarding the (non-)extension of working age for older women, based on the findings of the research.


The research team of the project consists of: prof. dr. Ingrida Mačernytė-Panomariovienė (project leader), prof. dr. dr. Sarmitė Mikulionienė, dr. Kristina Ambrazevičiūtė, and PhD student Aistė Leščinskaitė.

Project partner – The State Labour Inspectorate (Lithuania).

Project duration: September 2, 2024 – June 30, 2027.

Project budget – approximately 190,000 EUR.

Funding provided by the Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT), Agreement No. S-MIP-24-29.


Projects’ production

Promoting the results of scientific research:

  • A. Leščinskaitė. A study is underway on the employment challenges and opportunities for older women (article written in Lithuanian). 22 January, 2025, teise.pro and infolex.lt.