Chief Editor
Law Institute; Institute of International Relations and Political Science, Vilnius University
Doc. dr. Egidijus BIELIŪNAS
Faculty of Law, Vilnius University; Constitutional Court
Dr. Algimantas ČEPAS
Faculty of Philosophy, Vilnius University
Antanas DAPŠYS
Law Institute
Prof. dr. Aleksandras DOBRYNINAS
Faculty of Philosophy, Vilnius University
Prof. dr. jur. Frieder DÜNKEL
Faculty of Law and Economics, Greifswald University, Germany
Doc. dr. Vytautas GAVELIS
Faculty of Economics, Vilnius University
Prof. dr. Šarūnas LIEKIS
Faculty of Political Sciences and Diplomacy, Vytautas Magnus University
Prof. habil. dr. Valentinas MIKĖLĖNAS
Faculty of Law, Vilnius University; Lithuanian bar Association
Faculty of Law, Vilnius University; Ministry of Justice
Prof. habil. dr. Vytautas NEKROŠIUS
Faculty of Law, Vilnius University
Prof. habil. dr. Vytautas PIESLIAKAS
Faculty of Law, Mykolas Romeris University; Lithuanian Supreme Court
Prof. dr. Jonas PRAPIESTIS
Faculty of Law, Vilnius University, Lithuanian Supreme Court
Doc. dr. Ernestas SPRUOGIS
Faculty of Law, Mykolas Romeris University; Vilnius Regional Administrative Court
Dr. iur. Tadas ŽUKAS
Research Centre for Internationalized and Europeanized Private Law, University of Lucerne, Switzerland
Secretary - Dalia Gedzevičienė,, (+370) 5 2497591.
Description of submission of research papers and other publications of the LSMC Law Institute to the publishing house LSMC Law Institute to the publishing house
Information provided on 01/30/2014
Rules for Publication in Research Journal "Teisės Problemos"
General Requirements
1. An article should present a research problem and analyse it in legal (or any relating) perspective.
2. Heading of the article should contain name, surname, scientific and pedagogical degrees, and e-mail of the author. Office, name of institution, its address and telephone number should be provided upon author‘s will.
3. In the beginning of the article the author should provide an abstract (5-10 lines) introducing the research problem of the article.
4. Introduction (up to 2 pages) should contain the principal insights into the analysed topic, introduce the research problem, aim of the research, content, relevance, trends, etc.
5. Article may be divided into chapters and smaller components containing titles. Internal structure of the article should be logical with components being equivalent. Chapters of the article should be numbered in Roman numerals, and smaller components of chapters – in Arabic numerals. Title of the article and titles of chapters shall be written in capital letters, and titles of smaller components – in highlighted type.
6. Conclusions should be drawn up in a separate Chapter and should be based on analysis, research works and their results presented in the article.
7. In the end of the article a list of references should be presented in alphabetical order (according to surnames of authors, in case of legal acts – according to legal force and (where legal acts are of the same legal force) the date of adoption). List of references is generally divided into the subsequent sections: legal acts (national, international and foreign legal acts may be specified separately), research works, case-law, other references. Works published in internet are referred by providing name of the author, title and the complete internet link. Works published in paper and available in internet should in general be referred by providing reference data of paper publication and the internet link.
8. As a general rule, articles are presented in Lithuanian language. Every article in its end should contain a detailed summary in English language (minimum length of the summary – 2 000 characters). Summary should include definition of research problem analysed in the article, presentation of aims and tasks of the article, description of applied research methods, presentation of most important inferences and findings of the author.
9. Upon the agreement with the Editor in Chief articles may be presented in English, German, French, Polish or Russian languages supplementing them with a detailed summary in Lithuanian language (not less than 4 000 characters).
10. Submitted articles shall undergo the editing procedure. We kindly ask authors of articles to present the works in correct Lithuanian language and to follow the computer typing rules. Articles should be typed in Times New Roman 12 size letters (title of the publication – in 14 size letters), 1,5 interval (except of references and list of references). Length of an article should not exceed 1,5 author‘s sheet (60 000 characters). Placement of longer articles should be arranged with the Editor in Chief. Parts of articles may be published in separate issues of journal.
11. The Journal as well publishes notes, reviews, commentaries and similar works upon the prior arrangement of form and content of the publication with the Editor in Chief.
12. All publications should be submitted via e-mail (sent to
13. References should be made in the bottom of the same page specifying surname and first letter of the name of the author (in italics), title of publication or article, journal or other publication, in case when a reference is made to an article or an individual part of a publication, number of issue, name of the journal, city of publication, publisher, year, number of issue, page(s).1
14. When subsequent reference refers to the same source of information, referral “Ibid” is made forthwith specifying the page. Upon the will of the author (especially in cases of big number of references) the article may provide reference to the firstly referred source of information, forthwith specifying the page.2 Upon the will of the author having specified the full description of the source of information in the first reference, subsequent references may contain only surname and first letter of name of the author(s), year of publication and page.3
15. References to Lithuanian legal acts include full title, date of adoption and publication, register or internet link where they can be found.4 At the bottom of the page, the title of the official publication (Official Gazette or Register of Legal Acts) should be abbreviated, and in the list of references it should be referred in full text.5 Where a foreign legal act is cited, its title should be written in Lithuanian language and (in brackets) in the language in which it is referred in the reference used.
16. Citation of international or European Union legal act or other official document should include an original reference. In case of an international agreement which has not been concluded in Lithuanian language, besides the title in Lithuanian language, the title in one of the original languages should be referred (where a translation which has been published in the Official Gazette or the Register of Legal Acts is used for citation, a reference to this translation should be made), as well its number in the official treaty collection of a respective organisation (UNTS in respect of United Nations or (in case the treaty is not published in the UNTS) ILM number, ETS or CETS number in respect of the Council of Europe should be referred).6 Citation of a decision of an international or supranational judicial institution should include data of its publication in a respective official publication (for example, Series A or Reports of Judgments and Decisions in case of decisions of ECHR); and in case the decision was not published in an official publication, it should be specified that document is not published and the serial number of application referred.7 In respect of European Court of Justice, where possible, ECR data should be referred. If an ECR number is not provided, a reference should be made to CMLR number.8 In any case, where a translation is cited, reference is made to source of translation (but not only). References to internet sources should include official websites and databases of respective organisations or institutions. In case of any doubts on citation of European Union and international legal acts (including procedural judicial documents) we propose to follow the rules of OSCOLA 2010 (The Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities) available at: .
17. Explanations and notes as well should be placed at the bottom of the same page and numbered together with references.
Review procedure
18. An article is reviewed (reviewing means presentation of substantiated opinion, comments and proposals to an article) by not less than two active researchers selected by the senior editor, which may be either members of editorial board or other researchers. Reviewers are appointed in confidentiality, i.e. identity of the author is not disclosed to the reviewer, and, respectively, identity of the reviewer is not disclosed to the author (except cases where the reviewers do not contradict to the disclosure of their identities).
Rights of the authors
19. Property rights of works published in the journal Teisės problemos belong to the Law Institute of Lithuania; however, authors preserve exceptional rights to use their works separately from this collective work.
1 For example: Dapšys A., Misiūnas J., Čaplinskas A. Bausmės individualizavimo teisinės problemos. Teisės instituto mokslo tyrimai. 5 tomas. Vilnius: Teisės institutas, 2008, p. 8; or: Justickaja S., Kalpokas V., Ūselė L. 15-17 metų amžiaus moksleivių delinkventinis elgesys ir viktimizacija Lietuvoje // Teisės problemos, 2008, Nr. 4, p. 67-108; or: Ragauskas P. Teisė dalyvauti valdant šalį ir kitaip tvarkant viešuosius reikalus // Žmogaus teisės Lietuvoje (autorių kolektyvas; sudarytojas A. Čepas). Vilnius: JTVP, Teisės institutas, UAB „Naujos sistemos, 2005, p. 14-32.
2 For example: See 1, at 13.
3 For example: Dapšys A., Misiūnas J., Čaplinskas A., 2008, p. 15.
4 For example: Lietuvos Respublikos baudžiamasis kodeksas. Patvirtintas 2000 m. rugsėjo 26 d. įstatymu Nr. VIII-1968 (Žin., 2000, Nr. 89-2741); Lietuvos Respublikos principinės kariuomenės struktūros 2014 metais, planuojamos principinės kariuomenės struktūros 2019 metais nustatymo, krašto apsaugos sistemos karių ribinių skaičių ir statutinių valstybės tarnautojų ribinio skaičiaus 2014 metais ir 2019 metais patvirtinimo įstatymo 2 ir 3 straipsnių pakeitimo įstatymas Nr. XII-755. Priimtas 2013 m. gruodžio 23 d. (TAR, 2014-01-06, Nr. 2014-31).
5 Valstybės žinios. 2000, No. 89-2741; Teisės aktų registras, 2014-01-06, Nr. 2014-31.
6 For example: Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (adopted 4 November 1950, entered into force 3 September 1953). ETS 5; 213 UNTS 221 (ECHR); Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters (Brussels) (concluded on 27 September 1968, entered into force on 1 February 1973), 8 ILM 229 (1969).
7 For example: Plattform “Ärtze für das Leben” v. Austria, 21 June 1988, § 31, Series A no. 139; Campbell v. Ireland, no. 45678/98, § 24, ECHR 1999-II; Case T-344/99, Arne Mathisen AS v Council [2002] ECR II-2905.
8 For example: Byla C-217/05, G. Pohl-Boskamp GmbH & Co. KG prieš Gemeinsamer Bundesausschuss [2006] ETA 10611; Case 240/83, Procureur de la République v ADBHU [1985] ECR 531; Case 151/73, Ireland v Council [1974] 1 CMLR 429.
When reviewing an article, please answer the following questions and explain your answers.
1. Is the topic of the article relevant to science?
2. Is the topic of the article relevant for legal practice?
3. Does the article accurately formulate its main thesis?
4. Is the methodology of the article appropriate?
5. Is the analysis used in the article appropriate and complete?
6. Do the article's conclusions flow from the presented analysis?
7. Is the article not too long for the topic?
8. Will the language of the article (taking into account the teaching style, structuring of the article and other aspects) be easily understood by the legal community?
9. Does the form of the article meet the requirements for a scientific article?
10. What conclusion would you give regarding the printing of the article in 'Legal Issues':
– print with minor corrections;
– print if essential comments are taken into account (please indicate them);
- to propose an article for publication in another magazine;
- return the article for essential corrections;
- reject the article.