
Junior Research Fellow


Research interests:

Private law (civil liability, artificial intelligence).



Principal publications (from 2018):

Rimkutė D.,  Povylius K. (2021). “Civil and criminal liability for damage caused by self–driving cars”, Vilnius University Open Series, p. 182-210. doi: 10.15388/TMP.2021.10.


Research Projects:

2020-2021, Specialist at the Lithuanian Law Institute in the project of the Lithuanian Research Council "Artificial Intelligence and Civil Liability". The project was financed by the implementation of the 2014-2020 EU Funds Investment Operational Programme measure "Development of scientific competence of scientists, other researchers, students through practical scientific activities" under the activity "Development of students' abilities to carry out R&D activities" under the impact of the activity "Development of students' abilities in conducting scientific (art) research during semesters". Budget: EUR 2,964.98.


Other academic activities:

From 2022. PhD student. Vilnius University, Faculty of Law, Department of Private Law. Compensation for damage caused by the use of artificial intelligence.


Conferences Organisation:

2022, Zoom, International Conference on Facial Recognition in the Modern State, 2022-09-15, organiser, Institute of Law, Lithuanian Social Science Centre.


Presentations at Conferences (from 2018):

2021, "Artificial Intelligence and Civil Liability" at the Lithuanian Research Council Student Conference, 2021-05-11, Vilnius, Lithuania.


Academic Visits:

September 2021 - February 2022, Ghent University, Faculty of Law and Criminology. Erasmus exchange student.


Science Promotion (from 2018):

2021, Artificial intelligence and civil liability, 2021 05 09. Article in teise.pro.


National and International Awards:

2022, The Master's thesis "Artificial Intelligence and Civil Liability: the Case of Medical Diagnostics" was awarded the 1st prize in the following competitions: (1) the best Master's thesis in the field of Business Law (Vilnius University Faculty of Law); (2) the best Master's thesis of 2022 in the field of Law (Supreme Court of Lithuania); (3) the best Master's thesis of 2022 in the category of Societal challenges in the age of new technologies (VU Tech hub).