Started working at the Institute – since 2005-05-16.
Research interests:
Drug policy and control, Organized crime.
International scientific profiles:
Principal publications (from 2018):
Lankauskas, M., Gutauskas, A. (2022), Chasing the High: Drug Users as a Vulnerable Group in Lithuania. Springer, Cham. In book: Legal Protection of Vulnerable Groups in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Poland. Trends and Perspectives / Edited by Agnė Limantė and Dovilė Pūraitė-Andrikienė, p. 309–325. Springer, Cham, vol 8.
Lankauskas, M. (2021), Cannabis use formedicinal purposes: peculiarities, challenges and perspectives on legal regulation in Lithuania and other countries. Monograph. Law Institute of Lithuania, 139 p. eISBN: 978-9986-704-70-6.
Lankauskas, M. (2019), Corruption and media sector: corruption prevention via strengthening press freedom. Teisės problemos: mokslo darbai, 2019, 97, 1, p. 71-102. Vilnius: Lietuvos teisės institutas. eISSN 2351-6364.
Lankauskas, M. (2018), Corruption and lack of transparency in Lithuanian media. Teisės problemos: mokslo darbai, 2018, 96, 2, p. 21-43. Lietuvos teisės institutas. eISSN 2351-6364.
Research Projects:
2020-2022, Post-Doctoral Fellowship “Narcotic and Psychotropic Substance Use in Prisons in Lithuania: Causes, Challenges and Solutions”. Project implemented at Law Institute of the Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences. Budget: 66499.55 EUR.
Other academic activities:
2019 – Present, Assistant professor. Vilnius University, Faculty of Philosophy, Institute of Sociology and Social Work, Department of Criminology, Vilnius, Lithuania. Teaching BA courses “Drug social problems and control”, “Transnational organized crime” and MA course “Corporate crime” for students of Criminology.
Presentations at Conferences (from 2018):
2022, „Decriminalization of drug possession in Lithuania: recent developments and future prospects“. 22st annual conference of European Society of Criminology. 22 September 2022, Malaga, Spain.
2022, „Drug (de)criminalization in Lithuania: proposals and solutions“. International scientific conference „European Trends and Challenges in the Criminal Policy“. 29 April 2022, Kaunas, Lithuania.
2021, “Narcotic and Psychotropic Substance Use in Prisons in Lithuania: Causes, Challenges and Solutions”. 21st annual conference of European Society of Criminology. Poster presentation, 10 September 2021, Online.
2019, „Escalation of Drug Scares in the Context of NPS“. Narcomap project final conference. 7 April 2019, Vilnius, Lithuania.
2019, „Fears of drugs in the Lithuanian media (Narkotikų baimės Lietuvos žiniasklaidoje)“. Scientific practical conference „Crime and the media: the unbearable ease of being or the mad rush of life? (Nusikaltimai ir medijos: nepakeliamas būties lengvumas ar beprotiška gyvenimo skuba?)“, organized by Lithuanian Association of Criminologists and Vilnius University. 5 April 2019, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Academic Visits:
June 2022, University of Tartu School of Law. Tallin, Estonia. Visiting scholar.
Professional Associations:
Member of Lithuanian Association of Criminologists, Member of European Society of Criminology, European Society for Social Drug Research.
Science Promotion (from 2018):
2022, Interview about the drug use in Lithuanian prisons. LRT, October 26, 2022.
2022, Interview about the drug use tendencies in Vilnius city. LRT, August 18, 2022.
2021, Interview about the criminological features of drug criminalization in Lithuania. LRT, October 17, 2021.
2021, Interview about drug decriminalization plans in Lithuania. 15min, March 20, 2021.
2020, Participation in the press conference „Health instead prison – drug decriminalization in Lithuania“. Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania, December 9, 2020.