Senior Research Fellow, PRISTA project Senior Research Felllow
(+370 5) 2497591


Started working at the Institute – since 2017-03-07.


Research interests:

Probation and community sanctions, experiences of punishment, discretion of criminal justice officers, rights of convicted persons, legal aid in criminal justice.


International scientific profiles:




Principal publications (from 2018):

Nikartas, Simonas, Jarutienė, Liubovė (2022), Individualising probation conditions in cases of domestic violence: The study of sentencing practice in Lithuania // European Journal of Probation: SAGE Publications, p. 1-20.

Nikartas, Simonas, Tereškinas, Artūras (2021), Women’s pains of punishment: Experiences of female offenders serving community sentences in Lithuania // Probation Journal: SAGE Publications, p. 1-20. ISSN 0264-5505. eISSN 1741-3079. 2021. DOI: 10.1177%2F02645505211069443.

Nikartas, Simonas, Vaičiūnienė, Rūta, Rinkevičiūtė, Gintarė (2020), Probation officers’ discretionary decisions in responding to probation violations: The case of Lithuania // Probation Journal, 68, 1, p. 28-46. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications. ISSN 0264-5505. eISSN 1741-3079. DOI: 10.1177%2F0264550520980057.

Nikartas, Simonas, Paliauka, Justinas, Tereškinas, Artūras (2021), A Police Officer or a Social Worker? Research on the Professional Roles of Probation Officers // Filosofija. Sociologija, 2021, 32, 2, p. 126-132. Vilnius: Lietuvos mokslų akademija. ISSN 0235-7186. eISSN 2424-4546.

Nikartas, Simonas (2020), Privatization of criminal justice in Eastern Europe // Criminal Justice and Privatisation. Key Issues and Debates / Edited by Philip Bean. London: Routledge. Taylor & Francis Group, 2020, p. 215-230. ISBN 9781138330948. eISBN 9780429447525.

Nikartas, Simonas, Jarutienė, Liubovė (2022), The Dignity of Punishment: Vulnerable Prisoners’ Rights in Lithuania. Limantė, Agnė, Pūraitė-Andrikienė, Dovilė (red.) Legal Protection of Vulnerable Groups in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Poland. Cham: Springer Cham, p. 409. (European Union and its Neighbours in a Globalized World, ISSN 2524-8928, eISSN 2524-8936; 8). ISBN 9783031069970. eISBN 9783031069987. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-06998-7.

Nikartas, Simonas (2020), Community sanctions: a real alternative to imprisonment or expansion of punishment? The case of Lithuania // Przestępczosc XXI wieku Szanse i wyzwania dla kryminologii. Warsaw: Wolters Kluwer, 2020, p. 501-514. ISBN 9788381870153. ISSN 1897-4392.

Tereškinas, Artūras, Vaičiūnienė, Rūta, Nikartas, Simonas, Jarutienė, Liubovė (2021), Women in the Lithuanian criminal justice system: from sentencing practices to punishment experiences. Vilnius: Žara, Lietuvos socialinių mokslų centro Teisės institutas, 195 p. ISBN 9789986343776.

Vaičiūnienė, Rūta, Nikartas, Simonas, Apolevič, Jolanta, Povilaitytė, Vita, Dodig Hundric, Dora, Ricijaš, Neven, Mirosavljevic, Anja, Mandic, Sabina, Pitsela, Angelika, Nouskalis, Georgios, Karagiannidis, Charalampos, Giagkou, Anastasia, Mavrou, Christine (2020), Individual Assessment of Suspected or Accused Children: insights into good practice in the light of the Directive (EU) 2016/800 / Ed. Rūta Vaičiūnienė. Vilnius: Žara, Law Institute of the Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences, 216 p. ISBN 9789986343707.

Limantė, Agnė, Jočienė, Danutė, Nikartas, Simonas, Totoraitis, Laurynas (2020), Towards Effective Legal Aid: International Legal and Practical Standards. Vilnius: Lietuvos teisės institutas, 181 p. eISBN 9789986704690.

Nikartas, Simonas (2019), Individual contribution of probation officer in seeking probation goals: results of empirical research // Teisės problemos: mokslo darbai, 2019, 97, 1, p. 103-115. Vilnius: Lietuvos teisės institutas. eISSN 2351-6364.

Nikartas, Simonas (2018), More probation, less prisoners? Is the expectation of reducing the rate of imprisonment justified? // Jurisprudencija / Jurisprudence: mokslo darbai, 2018, 25, 2, p. 380-401. Mykolo Romerio universitetas. Vilnius: Mykolo Romerio universitetas. ISSN 1392-6195. DOI: 10.13165/JUR-18-25-2-04.


Research Projects:

National projects:

2019-2021, Defeminised criminal justice: female offenders’ penalties and their experiences of punishment (FemiJust). This project has received funding from the Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT), agreement No S-MIP-19-39. Duration of the project 01/07/2019 - 31/03/2021. Senior researcher.

2019, Research on the experiences of Lithuanian emigrants in punishment during research internship in the United Kingdom. Duration of the Internship: 9/4/2019 – 10/12/2019. This project has received funding from European Social Fund (Project No. 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-14-0174) under grant agreement with the Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT). Researcher.

2014-2016, Illegal Trade of Excise Goods as Multidimentional Social Phenomenon and the Issues of Control. Project financed by the Research Council of Lithuania. Researcher.

2013-2015, Illegal Trade of Excise Goods as Multidimentional Social Phenomenon and the Issues of Control. Project financed by the Research Council of Lithuania. Researcher.

2012-2013, Homicide in Lithuania: Criminological Research. The project funded by Research Council of Lithuania under the programme "Social challenges to national security". Junior researcher. Duration: 2012.03.01 - 2013.12.31.


International projects:

2017-2019, Enhancement of Legal Aid Quality: General Standards for Different Systems (QUAL-AID). The project is funded by the European Commission, duration: 2017.01 - 2019.01. Leader and senior researcher of the project.

2020-2021, Legal aid for children in criminal proceedings: developing and sharing best practices (LA CHILD). Project website: The Project is co-funded by the Justice Programme of the European Union, duration: 2020.02.01 – 2021.12.31.

2019-2020, Procedural safeguards of accused or suspected children: improving the implementation of the right to individual assessment (IA-CHILD). The project is funded by the European Commission, duration: 2019.01 – 2020.12. Senior researcher.

2018-2020, Increasing the Organizational Capacity of the Women and Children Sections of the Gendarmerie General Command. The project is funded by the European Commission. Project duration: March 2018–March 2020. Expert of the project.

2013-2015, Re-socialisation of Offenders in the EU: Enhancing the Role of the Civil Society (RE-SOC). The project funded by European Commision funds under the programme "Criminal Justice". Duration: 2013.02.01 – 2015.01.31. Researcher.

2017-2019, Overview of the availability, comparability and consistency of administrative statistical data on recorded crime and on the stages of the criminal justice process. European Commission. National expert of the project.

2014-2015, Study on paving the way for future policy initiatives in the field of fight against organised crime: the effectiveness of specific criminal law measures targeting organised crime (AMOC). Funded by European Commission Directorate-General Migration and Home Affairs. National expert.

European Sourcebook of Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics, 4th and 5th editions. National expert.

2011, JUSTICE Programme project “Material Detention Conditions, Execution of Custodial Sentences and Prisoner Transfer in the EU Member States”. National expert.

2009-2011, Community Engagement for Civic Order, Policing and Security. The project funded by European Commission funds under the programme "Integrating and Strengthening the European Research Area". Duration: 2009.11.01 - 2011.10.31.


Contractual Research:

"Study of the effectiveness and quality of the state-guaranteed legal aid system". Government Strategic Analysis Center. The criteria for evaluating the effectiveness and quality of the state-guaranteed legal aid system and the methodology for their application have been prepared.


Other academic activities:

2014-2016, Chairman of the Association of Lithuanian Criminologists.


Conferences Organisation:

2017, Scientific conference "Resocialization without imprisonment: the need for reinvestment of the correctional system", November 9, 2017, Vilnius, Lithuania.

2016, Conference of the Association of Lithuanian Criminologists "Crime prevention in Lithuania: when science meets practice", April 8, 2016, Ministry of Justice, Vilnius, Lithuania.

2015, Conference of the Association of Lithuanian Criminologists "Criminology in Lithuania: theory and practice", June 26-27, 2015, Vilnius University, Faculty of Philosophy, Vilnius, Lithuania.


Presentations at Conferences (from 2018):

2022, 22nd Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology, "Lithuanian offenders experiences of punishment in England", Malaga, Spain.

2022, Baltic criminologists seminar "Criminology in a changing context: answers of today – questions for tomorrow?". Report "Lithuanian offenders serving sentences in England: attitudes and needs in a different social and cultural environment", Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania.

2021, The best of the worst and permanently bad. Life-sentenced prisoners. Distance international scientific conference organized by the University of Warsaw, 2021, November 18-19. Presentation "Providing (false) hope of release?" Life imprisonment in Lithuania" (together with C. Appleton and G. Šleinotaitė), Warsaw, Poland.

2021, 21st Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology "Reasonable girls you visit for a "check-in": women offender's attitudes towards probation officers" (together with A. Tereškinas), online.

2021, International scientific conference "A just punishment for women?" Punitive practices and women offenders' experiences, "Pains of probation: experiences of Lithuanian women under community supervision", online.

2020, 20th annual conference of the European Society of Criminologists "Women experiences serving community sanctions in Lithuania: first results of qualitative research“, online.

2019, European Society of Criminology Community Sanctions and Measures Working Group Conference, "Probation officers decision making in the context of strict and punitive environment: the case of Lithuania", Cambridge, UK.

2018, 18th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology, presentation "Discretionary decision making by probation officers in Lithuania: drifting between community safety and offender's resocialization", Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

2018, European Society of Criminology Community Sanctions and Measures Working Group Conference, "How probation officers perceive their influence achieving goals of probation?", Vienna, Austria.


Academic Visits:

2019.04.09 – 2019.12.10, Cambridge University, Institute of Criminology (UK). Research on the experiences of Lithuanian emigrants in punishment during research internship in the United Kingdom.

2019.09.05 – 2020.09.05, Cambridge University, Institute of Criminology, visiting scholar.

2010.02.01 – 2010.03.31, Orhus University (Denmark).



Professional Associations:

Since 2011, Member of the Lithuanian Association of Criminologists.

2014-2016, Chairman of the Association of Lithuanian Criminologists.

2014-2018, 2021 – now, Member of the Board of the Lithuanian Association of Criminologists.

Member of the European Society of Criminology.

Member of the Working Group on Community Sanctions and Measures of the European Society of Criminology.


Editorial Board:

Since 2021, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Scientific Journal "Criminology Studies".