Senior Research Fellow,
TeismAI project Senior Research Fellow


Started working at the Institute –  since 2015-07-01.


Research interests:

Private International Family Law, Technology and Human Rights, Human Rights, Justice Reforms.


International scientific profiles:



Principal publications (from 2020):

Limantė, A., Tereškinas, A., Vaičiūnienė, R. (2023), “Gender-Based Violence and Law: Global Perspectives and Eastern European Practices”. Routledge, 2023, ISBN 9781032469348.

Limantė, A., Pūraitė – Andrikienė, D. (eds) (2022), “Legal Protection of Vulnerable Groups in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Poland: Trends and Perspectives”. Springer, 2022, ISBN 9783031069970.

Ruggeri, L., Limantė, A., Pogorelčnik Vogrinc, N. (2022), “The Regulation of Matrimonial Property and Property of Registered Partnerships”. Intersentia, 2022. ISBN 9781839701993.

Limante, A. (2023), “Protecting Vulnerable Groups in Europe: Highlights from Recent Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights”. The International Journal of Human Rights, DOI: 10.1080/13642987.2023.2297311 (SNIP: 1.420 (2022)).

Limante, A. (2023), “Bias in Facial Recognition Technologies Used by Law Enforcement: Understanding the Causes and Searching for a Way Out”. Nordic Journal of Human Rights, DOI: 10.1080/18918131.2023.2277581 (SNIP: 0.279(2021)).

Limante, A., Vaiciuniene, R., Zekas, T. (2022), “Accessibility of Legal Aid to Children in Conflict with the Law: Bringing the General Concept to Practice”. Baltic Journal of Law & Politics. Vol.15, no.2, 2022, pp.152-173. (SNIP 1.296).

Limante, A., Vaiciuniene, R., Apolevic, J. (2021), “Child-friendly legal aid and individual assessment of children in conflict with the law: building the basis for effective participation”. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022, 19(1), 17; (Impact Factor: 4.614 (2021), SNIP: 1,440 (2021)).

Limante, A. (2021), “Prorogation of Jurisdiction and Choice of Law in EU Family Law Regulations”. Journal of Private International Law, 17:2, 334-360, doi: 10.1080/17441048.2021.1953253 (SNIP 2.058 (2020)).

Limante, A. (2021), “The E.E. decision (C-80/19) sheds light on notaries acting as ‘courts’ and on a few other notions within the context of the Succession Regulation”. European Papers- A Journal on Law and Integration, Vol. 6, 2021, No 1, pp. 45-55 (European Forum, 29 March 2021), doi: 10.15166/2499-8249/450 (SNIP 1.131).

Limante, A., Pogorelčnik Vogrinc, N. (2021), “Party Autonomy in the Context of Jurisdictional and Choice of Law Rules of Matrimonial Property Regulation”. Baltic Journal of Law & Politics, (2020) Vol. 13(2), 135-158, (SNIP 0.535 (2019)).


Research Projects:

2022-2024 Project “Protection of international families with links to the European Union post-Brexit: Collaborative Scotland-EU partnership”. The project is funded by the Royal Society of Edinburgh under the Saltire Facilitation Network Award Scheme and led by University of Aberdeen. Project countries: UK, BE, HR, PL, LT, IT, IR. Network partner.

2021-2023 Project funded by the Lithuanian Research Council "Government Use of Facial Recognition Technologies: Legal Challenges and Possible Solutions" (VeidAI). Researcher.

2021-2023 Project co-funded by the EU: “E-training on EU Family Property regimes” (EU-FamPro). Project countries: IT, LT, ES, HR, SL. Lithuanian Team Leader, Researcher and Trainer.

2020-2022 Project co-funded by the EU: "Legal aid for children in criminal proceedings: developing and sharing best practices" (LA CHILD). Project countries: LT, BE, AL. Project Leader and Researcher.

2018-2020 Project co-funded by the EU: "4 EU training sessions on family law regulations for Cross-border Lawyers and Social Services" (C.L.A.S.S.4EU). Project countries: IT, LT, PT, HU. Lithuanian Team Leader, Researcher and Trainer.

2017-2019 Project co-funded by the EU: "Enhancing the Quality of Legal Aid: General Standards for Different Countries" (QUAL-AID). Project countries: LT, NL, DE. Researcher.

2015-2017 Project co-funded by the EU: "EU Judiciary Training on Brussels IIa Regulation: From South to East". Project countries: IT, LT, ES, HR. Lithuanian Team Leader, Researcher and Trainer.


Contractual Research:

2022-2023, Moldova, Short-term expert in the EU-funded project “Enhance transparency, accountability of and access to the judiciary system in the Republic of Moldova” implemented by CPVA (Lithuania) and Expertise France.

2020-2022, Azerbaijan, Expert in the Twinning Project “Strengthening the Capacity of State Bodies and Local Level Referral Mechanisms to Provide Safety and Support to Victims of Domestic Violence in Azerbaijan”.

2018-2020, Turkey, Expert in the Twinning Project “Increasing the Organizational Capacity of the Women and Children Sections of the Gendarmerie General Command”.

2017-2019, Ukraine, Expert in the Twinning Project “Implementation of the Best European Practices with the Aim of Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of the Apparatus of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights to Protect Human Rights and Freedoms (Apparatus)”.


Other academic activities:

2005-2020 University lecturer. Vilnius University Faculty of Law (Lithuania), European Humanities University (Lithuania), Khazar University (Azerbaijan).


Conferences Organisation:

2022, International conference “Facial Recognition in the Modern State”.

2021, International conference “Legal aid for children in criminal proceedings: child-friendly legal aid at focus”.

2019, International conference “Meeting Directive 2016/1919: the New Age of Legal Aid”.


Presentations at Conferences (from 2018):

2022, Speaker and moderator in the International Seminar “Practical Challenges in the Application of the Twin Regulations””. Almeria (Spain) 19 September 2022. Presentation: “Why party autonomy should be strengthened across the EU family law instruments?”.

2022, Speaker and moderator in the international conference „Facial Recognition in the Modern State” . Online, 15 September 2022. Presentation: “Faces of War: Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine and Military Use of FRT”.

2022, Speaker at the international conference “Sense and Sensibility in Cross-Border Cases: Couples’ Property”. Opatija (Croatia)/online, 30 June 2022. Presentation: “Jurisdiction Scheme in the Twin Regulations”.

2021, Speaker at the “World Congress on Justice with Children” event - a roundtable discussion „Making child-friendly legal aid a reality – learnings and outputs from the LA Child project”. Online 2021-11-17.

2021, Speaker at Católica Graduate Legal Research Conference “Protection of Vulnerable Groups: Today and Beyond”, 28-29 October 2021 (Lisbon, Portugal). Presentation: “Protecting Vulnerable Groups in Europe: Recent Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights”.

2021, Speaker at the International Legal Aid Group Conference „International Legal Aid Group Conference 22-24 June 2021“, 22-24 June 2021. Presentation: “Legal aid for children in conflict with the law in Europe: towards child-friendly legal aid?”.

2021, Speaker at the conference organised by International Academy of Family Lawyers (IAFL) “Introduction to European Family Law ‘Virtual Kyiv’ Webinar”, 19 March 2021. Presentation: “Party autonomy to choose jurisdiction and applicable law for matrimonial property in Europe”.

2019, Presentation in international conference “Meeting Directive 2016/1919: the New Age of Legal Aid”. Vilnius, 27 June 2019. Presentation “Right to legal aid in the international and EU law: towards the quality of legal aid”

2019, Participation and presentation “Quality of legal aid: presentation of research results” in the event organised by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) “Equal access to justice for all: ensuring quality of legal aid services in criminal cases”, in the frame of the 28th session of the CCPCJ 2019. 23 May 2019, Vienna (Austria).



Professional Associations:

Member of the Humanities and Social Sciences Expert Committee at the Research Council of Lithuania.

Member of the International Legal Aid Group (ILAG).

Member of Camerino University PhD program external board.


Science Promotion (from 2018):

Limantė, A., Pogorelčnik Vogrinc, N., & Ruggeri, L. (2022). Authors speaking: Lucia Ruggeri, Agnė Limantė, Neža Pogorelčnik Vogrinc about their publication The EU Regulations on Matrimonial Property and Property of Registered Partnerships., 1-3.

Limantė, A. (2022). Why people in Russia are afraid to protest against government? Facial rcognition technologies as a tool to deter from protests. (LT: Kodėl Rusijoje žmonės bijo protestuoti prieš valdžią? Veido atpažinimo technologijos kaip priemonė, atgrasanti nuo protestų.) Teise.Pro.

Limantė, A. ir Rutkauskas, A. (2021). Provocative inscriptions on T-shirts in the ECHR case Z.B. v. France - when does freedom of expression end? (LT: Provokuojantys užrašai ant marškinėlių EŽTT byloje Z.B. prieš Prancūziją – kada saviraiškos laisvė nebeginama?) Teisė.Pro.

Limantė, A. (2021). A. Limantė: are we moving towards appropriate legal aid for children? (LT: A. Limantė: ar einame vaikams tinkamos teisinės pagalbos link?)

Limantė, A. (2020). Surrogacy during a pandemic. (LT: Surogatinė motinystė pandemijos metu.) Teise.Pro.

Limantė, A. (2020). "Rights of future generations" - emerging fourth generation human rights? (LT: “Ateities kartų teisės” – besiformuojančios ketvirtosios kartos žmogaus teisės? ) Teise.Pro.

Limantė, A. (2019). Lithuania Introduces Individual Constitutional Complaint. Verfassungsblog.

Limantė, A. (2019). "You can't fight against love": the Constitutional Court passed a ruling on issuing a residence permit to a same-sex Lithuanian spouse. (LT: „Prieš meilę nepakovosi“: Konstitucinis Teismas priėmė nutarimą dėl leidimo gyventi išdavimo tos pačios lyties lietuvio sutuoktiniui.)

Limantė, A. (2018). Corruptor burgers and a golden loaf of bread. (LT: Korupciоnieriaus burgeriai ir auksinis duonos kepalas.)

Limantė, A. (2018). Book review: An Ever More Powerful Court? The Political Constraints of Legal Integration in the European Union, by D. Sindbjerg Martinsen (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015, ISBN 9780198753391). JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 56(1), 197-198.


National and International Awards:

2017, Young Scientist Fellowship awarded by the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences.

2013, King’s College London. Prize for Best Dissertation on the MA in EU Law. Master thesis: "Transformation of the Western Balkans through the Application of EU Accession Conditionality: lessons learnt and way ahead".