Research Fellow,
exercising functions of the Head of the Department,
VAM project Research Fellow


Started working at the Institute – since 2018-02-01.


Research interests:

Labour Law, Legal Regulation of Non-discrimination, Equal Opportunities for Women, Impact of the Ageing Population on the Labour Law.


International scientific profiles:




Principal publications (from 2018):

Ambrazevičiūtė, K., „Protection of Elderly Employees in the Ageing Society: Experience of Lithuania and Estonia“ in „Legal Protection of Vulnerable Groups in North-Eastern Europe – Trends and Perspectives“, (ed..Limantė A., Pūraitė-Andrikienė D.). Springer. Cham: Springer, 2022. ISBN: 9783031069970 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-06998-7.

Ambrazevičiūtė, K., Kavoliūnaitė-Ragauskienė E., Ragauskas P. „Korupcija privačiame sektoriuje“ (monografija) („Corruption in the private sector” (monograph)). Vilnius: Lietuvos teisės institutas, 2020. eISBN 978-9986-704-71-3.

Ambrazevičiūtė, K. „Civilinių gynimo būdų taikymas korupcinių veikų atveju privačiajame sektoriuje“ („Civil Remedies for Corruption in the Private Sector“). Vilnius: Lietuvos teisės institutas, 2020. eISBN 978-9986-704-67-6.

Ambrazevičiūtė K., Pivorienė J. „Lithuania“ in „Extended Working Life Policies. International Gender and Health Perspectives“ (ed. Á. N. Léime; J. Ogg; M. Rašticová; D. Street; C. Krekula; M. Bédiová; I. Madero-Cabib ). Cham: Springer, 2020. ISBN 978-3-030-40984-5. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-40985-2_25.

Ambrazevičiūtė K., Birštonas R. „Darbuotojo pareiga saugoti komercines paslaptis ir kitą konfidencialią informaciją: grėsmė laisvei pasirinkti darbą?“ („Employee’s Duty not to Disclose Trade Secrets and Other Confidential Information: Threat to Freedom to Choose a Job?“). Teisės problemos: mokslo darbai. 2019 Nr. 2 (98). ISSN 2351-6364.

Ambrazevičiūtė K. „Korupcija darbo santykiuose“ („Corruption in Labor Relations“). Teisės problemos: mokslo darbai. 2019. Nr. 1. ISSN 2351-6364.

Ambrazevičiūtė, K., Kavoliūnaitė-Ragauskienė E., Ragauskas P. „Atsakomybės už korupciją privačiame sektoriuje teisinis reguliavimas“ („Legal Regulation of Responsibility for Private Sector Corruption“). Vilnius: Lietuvos Teisės Institutas, 2018. ISBN 978-9986-704-56-0.


Research Projects:

2020-09-01–2022-10-31. Postdoctoral fellow at the project „Ensuring Equal Opportunities for Women in Labour Relations in the Baltic States: A Comparative Analysis” fund ed by Social Funds of European Union. Implemented at Law Institute of the Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences. Budget: 66 499,55 euros.

2012.03.01 – 2013.12.31. Junior Research Fellow at Project “Social, Economic and Legal Measures for Stability and Development of Families” funded by The Research Council of Lithuania. Implemented at The Law Institute of the Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences. Budget: 213 500 litas.


Contractual Research:

2019-02-11. Client: Judge of the Constitutional Court. Opinion in Constitutional Justice Case no. 11/2018. Teisės e-aktualijos. Vilnius: Lietuvos teisės institutas. 2019, 2 (17), p. 20-26. eISSN: 2335-8998.

2018-12-10. Client: Chief Official Ethics Commission. Opinion on the Functions Performed by the Members of the Election Commissions of the President of the Republic of Lithuania, the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania, the European Parliament and municipal councils of the Republic of Lithuania. Teisės e-aktualijos. Vilnius: Lietuvos teisės institutas. 2019, 1 (16), p. 33-37. eISSN 2335-8998.

2014-06. Client: Architects‘ Chamber of Lithuania. Co-author of the scientific analysis „Peculiarities of Architects’ Professional Self-Government in Lithuania”.


Other academic activities:

2013 – 2018. PhD Candidate. Mykolas Romeris university, Faculty of Law, Institute of Private Law. Dissertation topic: Enforcement of Right to Work of Older People in Ageing Society. Dissertation deals with the legal issues of non-discrimination, equality, constitutional and labour law.

Lecturer. Mykolas Romeris university, Faculty of Law, Institute of Private Law. Subjects taught: Labor Law, Problems of Legal Regulation of Labor Relations, Labor Law and Civil Law, Non-discrimination in Labor Law, Fundamentals of Law. Supervising BA theses, reviewing BA theses.


Presentations at Conferences (from 2018):

2022 – 10 – 14. Opportunities for Women in the Labor Market: from Security to Flexibility. 2nd National Social Policy Conference „Life Path and Its Crises: How (Does) Lithuanian Social Policy Work?” Vilnius, Lietuva.

2022-06-23. The Labour Law Challenges for Women Caregivers in an Ageing Society: A View from Lithuania. University of Ljubljana Faculty of Law conference „Reforma institutov prava varstva svetnosti”. Ljubljana, Slovenia.


Academic Visits:

2022-05-04 – 2022-05-20. Faculty of Law, University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia. Visiting Researcher.

2021-11-21 – 2021-12-07. School of Law, Tartu University, Estonia. Visiting Researcher.

2016-04-04 – 2016-06-04. Faculty of Law, Ghent University, Belgium. Researcher (Erasmus+ internship).



Professional Associations:

2015-2019 COST IS1409 Gender and health impacts of policies extending working life in western countries, Substitute member of Lithuania.


Science Promotion (from 2018):

2022-09-01. Ambrazevičiūtė K. More Opportunities for Caregivers: Changes to the Labor Code. In: Teise.Pro.

2019-09-10. Ambrazevičiūtė K. Interview „How much longer will we watch „Farai“?” In: