• Books
Probacijos veiksmingumo vertinimas

In the course of this study authors were analysing the legislation of probation and strategic planning, and also the statistical data of probation performance. In order to examine the experience of foreign countries, scientific publications, foreign legislation acts, statistical data and reports of probation services have been analysed.

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Authors: dr. Gintautas Sakalauskas, Liubovė Jarutienė
dr. Antanas Jatkevičius, dr. Simonas Nikartas, dr. Rokas Uscila

Prekyba žmonėmis ir sisteminis požiūris kaip problemos sprendimas

The study discusses the issues and future models regarding the national human trafficking prevention and control model. This study also explores the national trafficking model‘s foundations by using the systematic approach and looking at the issues at hand.  „Prekyba žmonėmis ir sisteminis požiūris kaip problemos sprendimas“. Prekyba žmonėmis – tai neteisėta veika, šiurkščiai pažeidžianti prigimtines žmogaus teises. Šiuo nusikaltimu pažeidžiama ne tik asmens laisvė, bet ir beveik visos teisinėje valstybėje įtvirtintos žmogaus teisės ir laisvės.

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Authors: dr. Igoris Bazylevas, Virgilijus Pajaujis
prof. dr. Jolanta Zajančkauskienė, doc. dr. Andrej Gorbatkov

Tarėjų instituto perspektyvos Lietuvoje

In order to help the decision makers to decide on the concept of the lay judge institute in Lithuania, the the Law Institute of Lithuania carried out a research the results of which are presented in this monograph. The main goal of the research is to evaluate the opportunities and prospects regarding the introduction of lay judge institute into the legal system of the Republic of Lithuania.

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Authors: dr. Petras Ragauskas, Eglė Kavoliūnaitė-Ragauskienė, Mindaugas Lankauskas, dr. Rūta Latvelė, Vaidas Kalpokas (apklausų duomenų apdorojimas)
prof. dr. Rima Ažubalytė, prof. dr. (HP) Egidijus Kūris, prof. habil. dr. Vytautas Nekrošius

Jaunimo delinkvencinis elgesys ir nepilnamečių justicijos politika Lietuvoje

The aim of this research was to analyse juvenile delinquency and victimization in Lithuania from the sociological, criminological and legal perspectives. The research sought not only to explain the trends and forms of juvenile delinquency and victimisation, but also to verify assumptions of different theories elaborated in criminology.

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Authors: dr. Svetlana Justickaja, dr. Jolanta Aleknevičienė, Vaidas Kalpokas, Renata Giedrytė-Mačiulienė, Alina Mickevič, dr. Laima Žilinskienė, dr. Tautvydas Žėkas
prof. dr. Gintautas Valickas, dr. Alfredas Kiškis

Teismų praktika korupcijos bylose: kai kurie Jungtinių Tautų konvencijos prieš korupciją nuostatų dėl bausmių juridiniams asmenims skyrimo ir turto konfiskavimo įgyvendinimo aspektai

The research paper analyses Lithuanian case-law on three issues: imposition of sanctions upon legal persons, confiscation of secondary proceeds of crime and protection of bona fide third persons‘ rights in the procedure of confiscation of property.

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Authors:  dr. Inga Daukšaitė, Eglė Kavoliūnaitė-Ragauskienė
prof. dr. Jonas Prapiestis, prof. dr. Ryšardas Burda

Nusikalstamumas Lietuvoje ir jo prevencijos perspektyvos

This study is part of scientific research which was carried out together with the scientists of Mykolas Romeris University (A. Kiškis, R. Uscila, V. Justickis) since 2010. In the first stage of the research authors investigated the problem of assessing crime by the data of registered crime statistics and victim surveys. Also they created the model of integration of these data which is adapted to investigate and evaluate the crime problem in Lithuania.

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Authors: dr. Alfredas Kiškis, dr. Svetlana Justickaja, dr. Rokas Uscila, prof. habil. dr. Viktoras Justickis
doc.dr. Artūras Petkus, dr. Simonas Nikartas

Viešojo intereso atpažinimo problema Lietuvos teisėje: kriterijai ir prioritetai

The main result of the project is the presentation of frameworks for the identification of public interest. The searches for such identification were based on the larger bidirectional grouping of theories (quantitative – utilitarian and qualitative theories) explaining different conceptions of public interest.

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Authors:  dr. Lina Beliūnienė, Milda Burnytė, Eglė Kavoliūnaitė-Ragauskienė, dr. Egidijus Krivka, Mindaugas Lankauskas, dr. Rūta Latvelė, dr. Rita Matulionytė
prof. dr. Egidijus Šileikis, prof. dr. Rasa Ragulskytė-Markovienė