- Events
LCSS Institute of Law, the Lithuanian Association of Criminologists and the Faculty of Philosophy of Vilnius University invite you to the annual Lithuanian Criminologists' Conference "Contemporary Connections of Criminology: science, practice, everyday life". The conference is dedicated to discussing contemporary issues about the challenges and needs of digital technologies and innovations in the context of criminological science. The conference will focus on the role of rapid change, technology in crime control and the concept of punishment.
The scientific conference will feature presentations from a wide range of disciplines, which will delve into contemporary issues that arise in science, law enforcement and public sector institutions.
The date of the conference is 2024 m. balandžio 19 d. (penktadienis).
Konferencijos laikas: 9:00–17:00
Dalyvių registracija vietoje: 8:30 – 9:00
Participant registration form.
Conference venue - Vilnius University Science Communication and Information Centre, Saulėtekio al. 5, Vilnius.
We kindly invite you to the 4th Annual International Conference "Trends and Challenges in European and National Criminal Policy", which will be held on 12 April 2024, organised by the LCSS Institute of Law, the Faculty of Law of Vytautas Magnus University and the Law School of Mykolas Romeris University.
The conference will feature presentations by Polish and German scholars, researchers from the LCSS Institute of Law, Vytautas Magnus University Faculty of Law and Mykolas Romeris University School of Law. Practitioners and researchers will discuss various topics in the field of criminal law, present the results of the latest research and raise topical issues of criminal policy.
The date of the conference is Friday 12 April 2024.
Registration on site: 8:30 - 9:00
Conference: 9:00 - 14:10
Conference venue - Mykolas Romeris University, Ateities str. 20, Vilnius, Room 414.
Renginio programą rasite čia.
Participants who have registered and attended at the conference will be able to receive a certificate of attendance.
Photo by Jaoa Cruz (Unsplash).
On October 18th Agnė Limantė, Senior Research Fellow at the LCSS Institute of Law, participated in the international seminar „Protection of international families post-Brexit through the Conventions of the Hague Conference on Private International Law“. The event took place at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland and brought together a large group of experts and practitioners in this field. Presentations and discussions were given by Dr. Katarina Trimmings (Scotland), Prof. Thalia Kruger (Belgium), Prof. Mirela Župan (Croatia), Prof. Pietro Franzina (Italy), Prof. Máire Ní Shúilleabháin (Ireland), Dr. Anna Wysocka-Bar (Poland), Dr. Konstantina Kalaitsoglou (Scotland), and other academics, judges, lawyers and representatives of central institutions.
Dr Agnė Limante, together with Prof. Mirela Župan, presented the practice of European countries in the application of the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, focusing on the grounds for non-refoulement, the requirement of a hearing of the child and the practice of the parties in cases involving the United Kingdom.
The event was part of the Royal Society of Edinburgh funded project Protection of international families with links to the European Union post-Brexit: Collaborative Scotland-EU partnership.
Event programme:
We kindly invite you to 2023. May 29 the upcoming international conference „Emerging law enforcement technologies and society“ that will take place in Vilnius. The Lithuanian Police, Trilateral Research, and the Centre for IT & IP Law – KUL from the EU Horizon 2020 project DARLENE, together with the project FACES-AI, implemented by the Law Institute of the Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences.
The conference will feature project presentations and discussions surrounding the societal impact of emerging law enforcement technologies (particularly the ones in the projects, i.e., cutting-edge AI-based augmented reality tools and facial recognition technologies) and how to reconcile the deployment of such technologies with properly addressing societal concerns. We expect to cover diverse perspectives among representatives of law enforcement agencies, the academic community, creators of IT applications, human rights and data protection organisations.
Date: 2023 May 29th (Monday).
Time: 9:00 – 16:15.
Conference venue: Police Department under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania, Saltoniškių St. 19, 08105 Vilnius, Lithuania.
Pre-registration of participants.
Renginio programą rasite here.
More information by e-mail:,
We kindly invite you to the upcoming international annual conference “European And National Criminal Policy Trends And Challenges” on 2023 April 28, which is organized by the LCSS Institute of Law, the Faculty of Law of Vytautas Magnus University and the Mykolas Romeris University School of Law. The focus of this conference is modern criminal policy trends in European Union law and innovative criminal policy decisions in Lithuania and other European states. Also their evaluations in the practice of the European Court of Human Rights and in recent scientific discussions.
We will have distinguished presenters from Ukraine, Norway and Lithuanian academic institutions: LCSS Institute of Law, the Faculty of Law of Vytautas Magnus University and the Mykolas Romeris University School of Law.
Date: 28 April 2023.
Registration of participants on the site: 8:30 – 9:00
Conference: 9:00 – 16:30
Venue: Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Lithuania, Gedimino avenue 30, Vilnius, Conference Hall, 3rd floor.
Pre-registration of participants.
Renginio programą rasite here.
Facebook event here.
Participants who have registered and attended at the conference will be able to receive a certificate of attendance.
More information by e-mail:
Previous postNext postWe are delighted to invite you to attend the online international conference “Legal Protection of Vulnerable Groups: Trends and Perspectives” that will be held on the 25th of November 2022 (starting 9.00 CEST).
Speakers of the conference will examine various topics related to the protection of vulnerable groups and discuss the challenges faced by vulnerable persons in different European countries. The following book and its findings will be presented at the event:
- Limantė, A., Pūraitė-Andrikienė (eds) Legal Protection of Vulnerable Groups in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Poland: Trends and Perspectives. Springer, 2022, ISBN 9783031069970.
We believe that the conference will provide a very interesting discussion forum as we have a number of prominent speakers from international organizations, academia and practitioners.
The conference will be held remotely through an interactive online platform. Participation in the conference is free, however, registration is required
Links for the agenda and registration
The conference is organised by the Law Institute of the Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences (Lithuania). You are welcome to share this email with other persons who you think may be interested in attending the conference.
Conference participants who have attended the entire program will be awarded certificates.
Previous postNext postYou are invited to participate in a MOOC on private international family law developed by the project „E-training on EU Family Property Regimes“ , EU-FamPro) atvirame nemokamame kurse (MOOC) tarptautinės privatinės šeimos teisės tema.
MOOC ( Massive Open Online Course) is a self-paced course that will take place online from 15 November 2022 to 15 April 2023 (bendras kurso vykdymo laikas; baigti kursą užtrunka trumpiau).
It will focus on the main private international law issues addressed in two recent EU family law instruments, the Regulation on the legal regime applicable to matrimonial property (Regulation (EU) 2016/1103) and the Regulation on the property consequences of registered partnerships (Regulation (EU) 2016/1104). For a full description of the MOOC, please see the attached leaflet.
The MOOC is open to lawyers, judges, mediators and notaries from all European countries.
The number of participants is unlimited and certificates will be issued to those who complete the course
Registration at the link.
More information brochure.
On the 19th of September, 2022 two important events in private international family law will take place in Almeria, Spain: an international conference on „Couples’ Property with Cross-border Implications: Uniting Academic Discussions and Practical Concerns“ and an international seminar on „Practical Challenges in the Application of the Twin Regulations“. The events, which will be attended by scholars and practitioners from various EU countries, will also feature presentations by the Institute's researchers Dr. Agnė Limantė and Dr. Eglė Kavoliūnaitė-Ragauskienė.
The book was produced in the framework of the EU co-funded project "E-learning on the European Union Regulations on matrimonial property regimes for international couples" ("EU-FamPro").
The programme of events is available here.
Maloniai kviečiame į tarptautinę konferenciją „Facial Recognition in the Modern State“ (liet. „Veidų atpažinimas šiuolaikinėje valstybėje“), kurioje dalyvaus daug garsių šios srities specialistų iš viso pasaulio. Renginys vyks 2022 m. rugsėjo 15 d. nuotoliniu būdu nuo 10 val.
Konferencijoje bus diskutuojama apie valdžios institucijų vykdomą veidų atpažinimo technologijų taikymą bei teisinį reguliavimą Europos, Amerikos, Azijos ir Ramiojo vandenyno bei Afrikos šalyse. Ar veidų atpažinimo technologijos yra teisėta priemonė visuomenės saugumui ir viešajai tvarkai užtikrinti? O gal tai yra stebėjimas, pažeidžiantis pagrindines asmens teises ir teisinės valstybės principą? Konferencijoje bus nagrinėjama, ar ir kaip skiriasi atsakymai į šiuos klausimus skirtingose valstybėse ir žemynuose. Remdamiesi kultūriniais ir teisiniais skirtumais bei bendromis tendencijomis, pranešėjai aptars galimas valdžios institucijų vykdomo veidų atpažinimo technologijų naudojimo reguliavimo kryptis nacionaliniu, regioniniu ir tarptautiniu lygmenimis.
Daugiau informacijos ir renginio programą rasite čia:
Registracija į konferenciją:
Dalyvavimas konferencijoje nemokamas, tačiau reikalinga registracija. Renginys vyks anglų kalba. Klausytojams pageidaujant, bus išduoti dalyvavimo renginyje pažymėjimai.
Konferenciją organizuoja Lietuvos socialinių mokslų centro Teisės institutas kartu su užsienio partneriais. Konferencija rengiama įgyvendinant projektą „Veido atpažinimo technologijos valstybės institucijų veikloje: teisiniai iššūkiai ir galimi sprendimai“ (VeidAI). Projektą finansuoja Lietuvos mokslo taryba (LMTLT), sutarties Nr. S-MIP-21-38.
Daugiau informacijos el. p.
15 September 2022
*Times in UTC+2 /CEST
Register hereFrom border control to policing and welfare, governments are using automated facial recognition technology (FRT) to collect taxes, prevent crime, police cities and control immigration. FRT involves processing of a person’s facial image, typically for verification, identification, categorisation or counting. Concerns around an increased use of live automated FRT in airports, train stations and city streets across the globe have led many NGOs, local municipalities and legislators in Europe, the Americas and Asia-Pacific to call for regulation or even outright bans on FRT use. However, regulatory solutions lag behind.
A facial image is a biometric that can be collected from a distance, and without the person’s knowledge or consent. Academics thus have largely focused on the privacy implications of FRT, often limited to a specific jurisdiction. However, FRT use raises concerns that go well beyond privacy. The increasing use of FRT in public spaces changes the balance of power between governments and their populations: it enables the state to locate and identify individuals in seconds without the significant human resources needed in traditional policing or migration. It can thus impact on political protests, undermine due process and equal protection.
This international conference and Cambridge Handbook on Facial Recognition in the Modern State (CUP, 2024) aims to provide a platform for socio-legal discussion around government use of FRT across domestic and regional jurisdictions in Europe, the Americas, Asia-Pacific and Africa. Is FRT a legitimate tool to ensure public safety and security? Or is it a surveillance infrastructure, undermining fundamental rights and the rule of law? The conference and Cambridge Handbook will explore whether and how the answers to these questions differ among liberal democracies, and how democracies compare to authoritarian regimes in six different continents. Building on cultural and legal differences and common trends, the presenters will discuss possible future directions in regulating governments’ use of FRT at national, regional and international levels.
Conference Time and Format
Time: Thursday, 15 September 2022, 9:00am- 5:30pm UTC+2 /CEST
Format: Online; Link will be sent to registered participants closer to the event
Conference Keynotes:
Prof Orla Lynskey, London School of Economics, UK
Prof Milton Mueller, Georgia Tech, USA
Prof Mark Andrejevic, Monash University, Australia
Conference Program including abstracts and speakers’ bios is available here.
Conference hosts and organizers
The conference is hosted by:
Law Institute of the Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences, Lithuania (main host)
UNSW Sydney, Australia
Macquarie University, Australia
London School of Economics, UK
Georgia Tech, USA
Allens Hub for Technology, Law and Innovation, UNSW Sydney, Australia
Centre for Law in the Digital Transformation at the University of Hamburg, Germany
ARC Centre of Excellence Automated Decision-Making and Society
Organizing Committee:
Rita Matulionyte – Macquarie University / Law Institute of the Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences
Agne Limante – Law Institute of the Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences
Egle Kavoliunaite-Ragauskiene – Law Institute of the Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences
Monika Zalnieriute – UNSW Sydney / Law Institute of the Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences
Conference funding
This conference is part of the project ‘Government Use of Facial Recognition Technologies: Legal Challenges and Solutions’ (FaceAI), funded by Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT) S-MIP-21-38.