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Tarėjų instituto perspektyvos Lietuvoje

In order to help the decision makers to decide on the concept of the lay judge institute in Lithuania, the the Law Institute of Lithuania carried out a research the results of which are presented in this monograph. The main goal of the research is to evaluate the opportunities and prospects regarding the introduction of lay judge institute into the legal system of the Republic of Lithuania.

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Authors: dr. Petras Ragauskas, Eglė Kavoliūnaitė-Ragauskienė, Mindaugas Lankauskas, dr. Rūta Latvelė, Vaidas Kalpokas (apklausų duomenų apdorojimas)
prof. dr. Rima Ažubalytė, prof. dr. (HP) Egidijus Kūris, prof. habil. dr. Vytautas Nekrošius

Jaunimo delinkvencinis elgesys ir nepilnamečių justicijos politika Lietuvoje

The aim of this research was to analyse juvenile delinquency and victimization in Lithuania from the sociological, criminological and legal perspectives. The research sought not only to explain the trends and forms of juvenile delinquency and victimisation, but also to verify assumptions of different theories elaborated in criminology.

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Authors: dr. Svetlana Justickaja, dr. Jolanta Aleknevičienė, Vaidas Kalpokas, Renata Giedrytė-Mačiulienė, Alina Mickevič, dr. Laima Žilinskienė, dr. Tautvydas Žėkas
prof. dr. Gintautas Valickas, dr. Alfredas Kiškis

Socialinės, ekonomonės ir teisinės priemonės siekiant šeimų stabilumo ir plėtros

The monograph consists of two main parts. The first part analyses the substance of the family as a legal category in accordance with laws of the Republic of Lithuania, and the second part examines the system of instruments of family policy in Lithuania.

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Authors:  prof. dr. (HP) Vytautas Mizaras (tyrimo vadovas), Eglė Kavoliūnaitė-Ragauskienė, Kristina Ambrazevičiūtė, doc. dr. Vytautas Gavelis, Evaldas Visockas
Reviewers: prof. habil. dr. Vytautas Nekrošius, dr. Jolanta Aleknevičienė

Nusikalstamumas Lietuvoje ir jo prevencijos perspektyvos

This study is part of scientific research which was carried out together with the scientists of Mykolas Romeris University (A. Kiškis, R. Uscila, V. Justickis) since 2010. In the first stage of the research authors investigated the problem of assessing crime by the data of registered crime statistics and victim surveys. Also they created the model of integration of these data which is adapted to investigate and evaluate the crime problem in Lithuania.

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Authors: dr. Alfredas Kiškis, dr. Svetlana Justickaja, dr. Rokas Uscila, prof. habil. dr. Viktoras Justickis
doc.dr. Artūras Petkus, dr. Simonas Nikartas

Viešojo intereso atpažinimo problema Lietuvos teisėje: kriterijai ir prioritetai

The main result of the project is the presentation of frameworks for the identification of public interest. The searches for such identification were based on the larger bidirectional grouping of theories (quantitative – utilitarian and qualitative theories) explaining different conceptions of public interest.

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Authors:  dr. Lina Beliūnienė, Milda Burnytė, Eglė Kavoliūnaitė-Ragauskienė, dr. Egidijus Krivka, Mindaugas Lankauskas, dr. Rūta Latvelė, dr. Rita Matulionytė
prof. dr. Egidijus Šileikis, prof. dr. Rasa Ragulskytė-Markovienė

Atkuriamojo teisingumo perspektyvos Lietuvoje

This monograph is intended for revision of restorative justice problems with the aim to establish comprehensive scientific basis for implementation of restorative justice model which is based on humanistic ideas and widely employed worldwide and one form of it – victim and offender mediation – in Lithuania.

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Authors: dr. I. Michailovič (vad.), dr. S. Bikelis, dr. A. Čepas, dr. M. Dobrynina, dr. R. Simaitis, D. Šneideris, L. Ūselė, J. Venckevičienė
doc. dr. G. Goda, doc. dr. J. Sondaitė

Aktualiausios žmogaus teisių užtikrinimo Lietuvoje 2008–2013 m. problemos: teisinis tyrimas

In the monograph, which was prepared on the basis of renewed scientific studies, the systematic research of human rights condition in Lithuania was set out which revealed the set of problems related to the legal regulation and practical ensuring of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights and freedoms.

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Authors: dr. Lina Beliūnienė, Kristina Ambrazevičiūtė, Mindaugas Lankauskas, dr. Eglė Mauricė, Matas Mulevičius, dr. Simonas Nikartas, dr. Ingrida Mačernytė-Panomariovienė, dr. Vida Petrylaitė, Eglė Kavoliūnaitė-Ragauskienė, Darius Šneideris, dr. Salomėja Zaksaitė
dr. Antanas Jatkevičius, prof. dr. Toma Birmontienė, prof. dr. Justinas Žilinskas

Žmogaus teisių apsaugos stiprinimas konstitucinio skundo institutu

The aim of the research is to answer the question what model of individual constitutional complaint would be the most appropriate for Lithuania. The research includes review of the conception of individual constitutional complaint in a broad context of time and space, presentation and analysis of main purposive arguments of establishment of individual constitution complaint in Lithuania and the establishment of the institute itself; as well a detailed analysis of…

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Authors: dr. Lina Beliūnienė
prof. dr. Egidijus Jarašiūnas, dr. Antanas Jatkevičius, prof. dr. (HP) Egidijus Kūris, doc. dr. Giedrė Lastauskienė

Vaiko minimalios priežiūros priemonės Lietuvoje: prielaidos, situacija ir įgyvendinimo problemos

The aim of this study is, by analyzing the situation and problems of implementation of measures of minimal care of the child in Lithuania, to provide the suggestions and recommendations of legal regulation and improvements in practical application of these measures.

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Authors: Laura Ūselė, dr. Salomėja Zaksaitė, Judita Žukauskaitė, dr. Tautvydas Žėkas
dr. Antanas Jatkevičius, doc. dr. Gabrielė Juodkaitė-Granskienė, prof. dr. Romualdas Drakšas


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