We would like to inform You that in accordance with the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania No. 1260 adopted on November 11, 2020 “On the Reorganization of the Lithuanian Centre for Social Research, the Law Institute of Lithuania and the Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economics, the Description of Conditions for the Reorganization of the Lithuanian Centre for Social Research, the Law Institute of Lithuania and the Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economics into the Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences”, from January 1, 2021, The Law Institute of Lithuania became a branch of the Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences. Currently it consists of the three following branches: Institute of Economics and Rural Development (former Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economics); Institute of Sociology (former Lithuanian Social Research Centre); Law Institute (former Law Institute of Lithuania). The reorganization was conducted in accordance with the previously mentioned Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania and the Statutes of the Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences approved by this Resolution.
All the latest information about the Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences and Law Institute will be temporarily published on this website until the website of the Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences is created.
New requisites of institutions:
The Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences (budget institution)
Director dr. Boguslavas Gruževskis
Address A. Goštauto str. 9, LT-01108 Vilnius
Company code 305674949
Phone (+370 5) 211 3774
E-mail institutas@lstc.lt
The Law Institute of the Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences (branch of the budget institution)
Head dr. Ingrida Mačernytė-Panomariovienė
Address Ankštoji str. 1A, LT-01109 Vilnius
Branch code 305674130
Phone (+370 5) 2497591
E-mail info@teise.org