Doctor of Philosophy, Development Studies, on the effectiveness of multilateral and bilateral approaches in tackling corruption in developing countries, University of Cambridge
Master of Philosophy, Development Studies, distinction, University of Cambridge
Bachelor of Arts, Politics and Development Studies, first class honours, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London
Advanced level spoken and written Mandarin Chinese, Diqiucun Chinese Teaching School, Beijing, China
Upper-intermediate Chinese language diploma: spoken and written Mandarin, Beijing Language and Culture University
Selected recent experience
Knowledge management lead and report lead (consultant), Millennium Partners, April 2024 – current
As Knowledge Management Lead for $30m USAID-funded Global Accountability Program/Strengthening National Architectures (GAP/SNA) to Counter Corruption Activity, Ingrida leads on all research and learning work under the programme. Research projects include:
- Mar 23 – Current: Report lead for a study on the Kremlin’s use of illicit finance and strategic corruption against its neighbours. In-depth interviews conducted in Moldova and Armenia, with good practice case study interviews conducted in Lithuania, Latvia and the Czech This includes managing a team of diverse experts from CIPE, IFES, CSD and GLOBSEC.
CEO, AIM Sustain Ltd, December 2022 – present
Ingrida established AIM Sustain Ltd to provide research, teaching/training and consultancy services on anti-corruption, countering illicit finance and on irregular migration. In this role, she delivered:
- Team Lead, Eastern and Southern Africa Anti-Money Laundering Group (ESAAMLG, FATF style regional body) training offer/academy scoping (with PWC, funded by FCDO) (Jul 24 – current)
- Anti-corruption expert for the U4 mid-term evaluation (Jun 24 – current)
- Knowledge Management Lead for $30m USAID-funded Global Accountability Program/Strengthening National Architectures (GAP/SNA) to Counter Corruption Activity, leading on all research and learning work under the programme. (Oct 2023 – Mar 2024)
- Trainer on International Certificate in Corruption Risk Management, as part of the CIPFA Corruption Prevention Programme, to a range of public and anti-corruption officials in North Macedonia (Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy) (Sep– Nov 23)
- Lead expert for the Development of Model Guidelines On Shock-Responsive Social Protection For Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency participating States (with Meraki Labs) (May 23 – Dec 23)
- Supervisor for masters dissertations on corporate social responsibility, anti-corruption and sustainability in business operations (BPP University) (Jan 23 – Sep 23)
- Team leader responsible for producing six research reports on Community Cohesion between Ukrainian refugees and host communities in Central Europe (with IFES and Palladium) (Nov 22 – Mar 24)
- Technical writer for a US-based SME for a $30 million USAID anti-corruption programme (May – Jun 23)
- Lead setting up of the Tirana International Symposium on Crime Prevention (with Palladium) (Dec 22 – Mar 23)
Central America Accountability Program Consultant, The Carter Center, November 2023 – August 2024
Ingrida produced a report on the status of governance, transparency, accountability, corruption, and access to justice in the Caribbean, focusing on the Bahamas, Barbados and the Dominican Republic, and undertook desk-based research on Belize and Panama. The report includes a review of the access to justice challenges experienced by vulnerable groups such as migrants and irregular migrants, LGBTQI+ people, women, youth and other groups. Ingrida conducted desk-based research, in-country interviews with local stakeholders (in English and Spanish) and virtual finding validation roundtables.
Senior Research Fellow, Center for Anti-Corruption & Democratic Trust, International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), November 2022 – March 2024
Ingrida was the Team Leader on a UK government-funded research project aiming to support community cohesion between Ukrainian refugees and host communities in Central Europe. This includes research to identify vulnerabilities and threats, including disinformation, and working with stakeholders in five target countries (Poland, Moldova, Romania, Slovakia, Czechia) to address these. Other planned fellowship responsibilities include engagement and publications with IFES on matters of corruption, democratic trust and irregular migration.
Head of Business Integrity, Transparency International UK, July – October 2022
Ingrida led the business integrity work at TI UK, overseeing research, business integrity forum, benchmarking and engagement work to raise private sector anti-corruption standards. Achievements include:
- A thorough strategic review of business integrity work at the organisation and each of the products the team worked on, including a competitor analysis, theory of change review, market analysis, financial review and brainstorming of potential additional Introduction of two new activity areas for the team, as well as ‘ways of working’ metrics to encourage collaboration with other civil society organisations.
- Played a key role, together with the partnership team at TI UK, in securing additional funding for research projects on corruption and ESG, to kick-start sector specific for a to discuss business integrity issues (incl. for impact investors) and expand the membership of the Business Integrity Forum.
Portfolio Lead, Anti-Corruption and Illicit financial flows, Palladium, London, March 2019 – July 2022
She was responsible for designing the approach to programmes in this subject matter area and leading these programmes once won. As Project Director (PD), Ingrida was responsible for quality assurance and had overall accountability for high- value donor-funded programmes. These include:
- Ingrida was the PD and interim Team Leader on the £3m Jordan Strengthening Rule of Law (JROL) programme, a Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) programme which provided technical support to reinforce key democratic and legal principles necessary for a trustworthy and independent judiciary and to reduce corruption. Achievements include a reformed approach within the Jordan Integrity and Anti-Corruption Commission with a move to evidence-based communications campaigns to reduce corruption; improved processes within the Ministry of Justice enabling the judiciary to work more efficiently and in a more gender- sensitive manner, and an established link between the Jordanian Economic Court Judges and their international
- Ingrida was the PD for the £14m Department for International Development (DFID) Mobilising Data for Anti- Corruption (MODAC) programme. MODAC funded partnerships between various private sector, civil society and governmental actors to improve the quality of, access to and use of data to increase the number of high-level sanctions and penalties in corruption cases. She was responsible for ensuring the programme delivers on its targets and oversaw the mobilisation of grants by the programme to civil society and businesses in Nigeria and
- She was the PD for the £3.5m RAYS Home Office programme in Albania which focused on expanding Alternative Pathways to Serious and Organised Crime for young Ingrida led on incorporating innovative approaches and bringing together a diverse team of former law enforcement and government officials, academics and children’s right activists to pilot interventions with young people to provide them with life choices away from serious and organised crime. The programme also supported multi-agency working to increase the understanding of signs, symptoms and vulnerabilities of young people and better respond to risks.
- As PD and one of the key experts on the Montserrat Corruption Vulnerabilities assessment, Ingrida co-designed the ‘trust in government’ survey, co-led key Government interviews and quality assured the administrative systems and corruption vulnerabilities systems assessment.
- Ingrida was the PD on the Jordan Social Norms and Corruption Study, where the team conducted 1200 surveys in different municipalities to understand social norms around corruption in Jordan and provided programming recommendations to the FCDO. These were then implemented together with Jordan’s Integrity and Anti- Corruption Commission by the Jordan JROL programme, also directed by Ingrida.
- Ingrida was the PD and subsequently Team Leader on the Caribbean Illicit Financial Flows (IFFs) scoping programme for DFID, where she provided quality assurance and co-authored the report. She designed the approach and structure of the final report and led interviews with key UK stakeholders working on IFFs in the Caribbean (including the Treasury, Crown Prosecution Services and National Crime Agency representatives), donors (including the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, European Union, USAID, Canada and others) as well as key stakeholders in Guyana and Jamaica.
Ingrida led the Anti-corruption and illicit financial flow portfolio. Ingrida has acted as Team Leader and subject matter expert on a number of programmes, including:
- In 2019, she was the Team Leader for the design of the Investment Promotion Programme’s pillar on anti- corruption for DFID and the Department for International The two reports produced explore the political economy of and role that investment promotion agencies, business membership organisations and businesses play in promoting business integrity as well as their vulnerability to corruption. The reports provided innovative recommendations for HMG programming to encourage businesses and investment promotion agencies to do more to tackle corruption and illicit finance.
- In 2020-21, Ingrida was the Team Leader on the Home Office Organised Immigration Crime project to understand irregular migration along the Afghanistan-Turkey route. She led a team of 7 experts to write a report on the current state of the irregular migration along the route (using Government, law enforcement, international organisation and migrant interviews as well as primary and secondary data sources) and policy relevant recommendations to the Home Office, National Crime agency and other UK Government departments as applicable. The report informed both the UK and Turkish governments’ policy and contributed to the evidence base for effective interventions in upstream migration.
She also acted as a subject matter expert mainstreaming gender equality and social inclusion and decent work on programmes such as:
- Ingrida was the Overseas Development Assistance (ODA) lead for the China Financial Services programme during its first year of operations, supporting and building the capacity of the team to set up processes compliant with ODA requirements, ensuring that the financial services expert team got up to date on all aspects of ODA programming, and overseeing the mainstreaming of Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) within the programme approach, design and grantee processes. She delivered workshops to the programme team and prospective grantees on ODA and GESI, and oversaw the GESI impact assessment.
- In 2021, Ingrida was a grantee selection committee member for the Dutch-funded Challenge Fund for Youth Employment (CFYE). Her role was to assess businesses’ applications’ strengths against CFYE’s criteria which includes delivery feasibility and value for money, decent work focus, business model sustainability and feasibility of suggested pathways to youth employment.
Forensic Manager and International Development Advisor, KPMG, August 2014 – March 2019
Ingrida worked within the international development and financial crime teams at KPMG. Projects delivered in this role include:
- Business Environment Reform Facility: Ingrida was responsible for managing the £700k policy research pillar of the She oversaw the quality of, coordinated the delivery of and contributed to a number of reports which informed donors’ approach to business environment reforms.
- Anti-corruption partnerships report: She managed the production of a scoping report to shape a future partnerships programme for UK government institutions that work on anti-corruption and financial accountability with their counterparts in developing countries. She consulted with key UK institutions (law enforcement, regulators, government departments, ) and their counterparts in Kenya and Nigeria, and co-authored the final report.
- Anti-Bribery and Corruption (ABC) policy and control evaluation at a financial institution: Ingrida assessed the strength of ABC policies and controls and recommended improvements for a financial institution.
- Programme management training delivery: She co-delivered and prepared the contents for training courses to UK civil servants, including a workshop to FCO Prosperity Fund staff on complex programme management.
- Fraud awareness and prevention: Ingrida delivered fraud awareness and prevention training sessions for a UN agency’s regional staff in the West Africa; and worked directly with the head of transactional fraud operations at a large retail bank, focusing on fraud reporting.
- Real estate branch of a major bank group: She led the compliance workstream when assisting the integration of two firms, working closely with the head of compliance supporting a range of matters across the firm’s different business lines.
- SARS report: Ingrida co-authored a review of potential reforms to the Suspicious Activity Reports regime in the UK. The report considered efficiencies that could be introduced into the SARs regime.
- DFID Portfolio Delivery Reviews for Key UN Organisations: Ingrida sole authored a review of DFID’s engagement with a multilateral organisation and recommended points for director-level discussions to improve the
- Independent Commission on Aid Impact (ICAI) reviews: ICAI is responsible for the scrutiny of the UK’s Official Development Assistance (ODA) Ingrida played a key role in delivering the ICAI preliminary investigation of ODA spent by UK Government departments other than DFID report and a follow up review on previous ICAI reviews.
- Financial Crime Subject Matter Expert (SME): Her projects include a gap analysis of a large multinational financial institution’s Financial Crime global standards against the UK’s AML, Sanctions and Counter Terrorist Finance legislation and regulations; and a review of client on-boarding policies and procedures at a FinTech start-up.
UK: Affiliated Lecturer (2017-19), guest lecturer, academic supervisor (tutor), course director, University of Cambridge (Centre of Development Studies, Institute for Continuing Education), October 2013 – June 2023
MPhil Development Studies course teaching: Affiliated Lecturer, guest lecturer:
- Ingrida lectures (since 2015) and conducts seminars (since 2013) on the ‘Justice and Development’ module offered to MPhil Development Studies students at the University of Cambridge, on concepts of justice, rule of law, empowerment of vulnerable individuals, forced migration and anti-corruption.
- Ingrida lectured on the ‘Transnational Crime and Justice’ module offered to MPhil Development Studies students at the University of Cambridge (2017).
Institute for Continuing Education teaching: Course Director and tutor
As a Course Director at the Cambridge University Institute of Continuing Education (2018-19) she designed, delivered and oversaw the quality of teaching delivered of international development courses. She was also responsible for recruiting academics to teach on the international development courses and second-marking assignments when she was not first- marker. Specific roles include:
- Certificate in International Development (2017-2018 & 2018-2019): She was responsible for writing the unit specifications for and teaching the Michaelmas term of the course on the problems of ‘under-development’ which included lectures on the causes of poverty and inequality, the geography of deprivation and rural development and rural-urban transitions. She delivered the lectures and was responsible for first-marking the essays.
- Diploma in International Development: Economy, Society and Welfare (2017-2018): Ingrida was responsible for writing the unit specifications for and teaching the Easter term of the course on social change and protection which included lectures on human rights and development, welfare and social protection, population dynamics and social movements.
- Diploma in International Development: Environment, Sustainability and Globalisation (2016-2017): She delivered the lectures on the second year undergraduate level Easter term of the course on globalisation, urbanisation, transnationalism (Labour/ International migration/ Diaspora) and cultural diversity, minorities and exclusion and first-marked the assignments.
- Advanced diploma in international development (2014-2016): Ingrida supervised an undergraduate dissertation as part of the 2 year-long advanced diploma in International Development. This involved holding regular supervisions, guiding the student in writing summative assignments, as well as designing, carrying out and presenting their research in the form of an undergraduate She was also responsible for first-marking their work.
- ‘Justice and International Development’ course (weekend course in 2016 and day course in 2017): Ingrida designed and ran (lectured on) the Justice and Development course at the Institute of Continuing Education, University of Cambridge.
- She was the Course director for the 2017 & 2018 summer school courses on International development: key issues in today’s world, responsible for putting together the syllabus, conducting all the lectures and marking course assignments.
UK: Research Fellow, Centre for International Documentation on Organised Economic Crime (CIDOEC), July 2013 – current
Ingrida is a member of the organisational committee of the annual Cambridge Symposium on Economic Crime, which has more than 700 speakers and 2000 delegates. Ingrida has also been involved in editing and managing the publication of the Handbook on International Economic Crime.
UK: Business Development Researcher, TES Global, October 2012 – June 2013
TES is the world’s largest online network of teachers and also offers more than 780,000 individually crafted teaching resources developed by teachers for teachers. Ingrida worked on Open Educational Resources (OER), conducting market research to inform the company’s business development and expansion strategies.
China: Programme assistant, United Nations Industrial Development Organisation, Investment and Technology Promotion Office (UNIDO-ITPO), EU-funded projects, intern, June 2010 – August 2010
In this role, Ingrida worked on the management and monitoring of EU funded projects (jointly implemented by UNIDO and other Chinese and European agencies), organised and facilitated Chinese project counterparts’ policy tour visits to Europe; and wrote and edited UNIDO-ITPO EU-funded project visibility documents, presentations and quarterly reports.
Syria: Development section editor, Baladna English Daily Newspaper, April 2009 – September 2009
Ingrida played a key role in the structuring of Syria’s only nation-wide English newspaper. Ingrida managed a team of sub- editors and writers. Her role required navigating social and political boundaries with cultural sensitivity and discretion and preparing three daily newspaper pages on development, education, environment, science, career and society for the newspaper’s prototypes.
Lithuania, China: Freelance interpreter and translator, 2006 – 2009
Academic Journal Peer review positions and experience
Journal of Financial Crime, Peer Reviewer, May 2022 – current
Journal of Money Laundering Control, Peer Reviewer, April 2022 – current
Peer reviewer for anti-corruption-focused book chapters/articles (Cogitatio Press, RTI Press), 2020, 2022
BPP Environmental Law and Practice module for LLM students, External reviewer, 2018
Academic fellowships and affiliations
Intellectual Forum, Jesus College, University of Cambridge: Senior Research Associate, October 2023 – current
University of Bournemouth: Visiting Fellow October 2023 – current
Key publications
Kerusauskaite, Ingrida (2018), Anti-corruption in International Development, London: Routledge; available here: https://www.routledge.com/Anti-Corruption-in-International-Development/Kerusauskaite/p/book/9780367892098
Book chapters:
Kerusauskaite, Ingrida (2023), ‘Stability, security and Sustainable Development’, in Rider, B. ed. Research Agenda – Economic Crime and Development, Edward Elgar Publishing; available here: https://www.e-elgar.com/shop/gbp/a- research-agenda-for-economic-crime-and-development-9781802201376.html
Kerusauskaite, Ingrida (2015), ‘Corruption and International Development Assistance’, in Rider, B. ed Research Handbook on International Financial Crime, Edward Elgar Publishing; available here: https://www.e-elgar.com/shop/gbp/research- handbook-on-international-financial-crime-9781783475780.html
Articles (academic):
Kerusauskaite, Ingrida and Peiffer, Caryn, (2025 forthcoming – abstract accepted, full article be submitted in October) “Practical implications of strategic corruption”, Public Integrity special issue: Public Integrity: Special Issue: Strategic Corruption: Conceptualizing the geostrategic dimensions of transnational corruption (taylorandfrancis.com)
Kerusauskaite, Ingrida (2023), Editorial: ‘A need to refocus on the victims of white collar crimes’, Company Lawyer, Thomson Reuters and Contributors; https://www.sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/Product/Company-Law/Company-Lawyer- The/Journal/30791409
Kerusauskaite, Ingrida (2023), ‘Integrity and Rule of Law, à La Carte?’, 44 Company Lawyer, Issue 8 Thomson Reuters and Contributors; https://www.sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/Product/Company-Law/Company-Lawyer-The/Journal/30791409
Kerusauskaite, Ingrida (2022), Editorial: ‘Frameworks to address other issues could help us better tackle financial crime’, Journal of Financial Crime, Volume 29, pp 1133-1136; https://doi.org/10.1108/jfc-10-2022-278
Kerusauskaite, Ingrida (2022), ‘The case for a carrot and stick approach to anti-corruption’, 43 Company Lawyer, Issue 4 © 2022 Thomson Reuters and Contributors; https://www.sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/Product/Company-Law/Company-Lawyer- The/Journal/30791409
White papers and published studies:
Kerusauskaite, I., Mulloy, L., Nimkar, R. and Slota, A. (June 2023). Risks to Community Cohesion between Ukrainian Refugees and Host Communities in Central Europe. IFES; available here: https://www.ifes.org/sites/default/files/2023- 06/Ukraine%20Regional%20report_FINAL.pdf
Kerusauskaite, I., Sparrow, J., Nimkar, R. and Krajdan, A. (August 2023). Risks to Community Cohesion between Ukrainian Refugees and Host Communities: Moldova Report. IFES; available here: https://www.ifes.org/sites/default/files/2023- 08/Risks%20to%20Community%20Cohesion%20Between%20Ukrainian%20Refugees%20and%20Host%20Communities_M oldova.pdf
Kerusauskaite, I., Vencourová, Ž., Nimkar, R. and Slota, A. (August 2023). Risks to Community Cohesion between Ukrainian Refugees and Host Communities: The Czech Republic Report. IFES; available here: https://www.ifes.org/sites/default/files/2023-08/Czech%20Republic_CSSF.pdf
Kerusauskaite, I., Mulloy, L., Nimkar, R. and Slota, A. (August 2023). Risks to Community Cohesion between Ukrainian Refugees and Host Communities: Poland Report. IFES; available here: https://www.ifes.org/sites/default/files/2023- 08/Risks%20to%20Community%20Cohesion%20Between%20Ukrainian%20Refugees%20and%20Host%20Communities_Pol and.pdf
Kerusauskaite, I., Mulloy, L., Jones, L and Nimkar, R. (July 2023). Risks to Community Cohesion between Ukrainian Refugees and Host Communities: Slovakia Report. IFES; available here: https://www.ifes.org/sites/default/files/2023- 07/Slovakia%20report_FINAL_0.pdf
Kerusauskaite, I., Mulloy, L., Nimkar, R. and Wesołowska, M. (June 2023). Risks to Community Cohesion between Ukrainian Refugees and Host Communities: Romania Report. IFES; available here: https://www.ifes.org/sites/default/files/2023- 08/Romania_CSSF.pdf
De Oliveira, Ines Sofia; Lain, Sarah; Winterbotham, Emily; Kerusauskaite, Ingrida and Glanville, Matthew (2016) Fighting Corruption: The Case for Inclusive and Risk-Based Approaches, RUSI: London; available here: https://static.rusi.org/201604_wr_fighting_corruption.pdf
Glanville, Matthew, Kerusauskaite, Ingrida and Harley, Flora (2016) Scoping Study on Business Environment Reform in Fragile and Conflict Affected States, BERF and DFID Research4Development: London; available here: https://www.gov.uk/research-for-development-outputs/scoping-study-on-business-environment-reform-in-fragile-and- conflict-affected-states
Cox, Marcus; Glanville, Matthew; Kerusauskaite, Ingrida (2015) Preliminary investigation of Official Development
Assistance (ODA) spent by Departments other than DFID, UK’s Independent Commission for Aid Impact; available here: https://icai.independent.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/A-preliminary-investigation-of-Official-Development-Assistance- ODA-spe pdf
Articles (industry):
Kerusauskaite, Ingrida and Donaldson, Rory (2022), ‘Joining the dots between ESG and corruption’, InCompliance and Compliance Week, ICA, pp.8-10, https://www.complianceweek.com/esg/social-responsibility/joining-the-dots-between- esg-and-corruption/32452.article
Kerusauskaite, Ingrida (2022), ‘Environmental, Social and Governance: Building on Commitments on the E to Boost the S and the G’, International Banker, Spring 2022; available here: https://internationalbanker.com/finance/environmental- social-and-governance-building-on-commitments-on-the-e-to-boost-the-s-and-the-g/
Kerusauskaite, Ingrida (2019), ‘Five ways we can improve on compliance and business integrity’, International Banker, June 2019; available here: https://internationalbanker.com/finance/five-ways-we-can-improve-on-compliance-and-business- integrity/
Kerusauskaite, Ingrida (2017), ‘Making Sure that Everyone Plays by the Rules: Harnessing a global-partnerships approach to tackling corruption’, International Banker, Winter 2017; available here: https://internationalbanker.com/finance/making- sure-everyone-plays-rules-harnessing-global-partnerships-approach-tackling-corruption/
Other scoping studies and policy reports:
Kerusauskaite, Ingrida; Nimkar, Ruta; Balcaite, Indre (2021), Organised Immigration Crime along the Afghanistan-Turkey Migratory Routes, UK Government (Home Office)
Slota, Agata; Kerusauskaite, Ingrida; Ravat, Zainab; Kempner, Jessica and Church, Cheyanne (2021), Social Norms and Corruption in Jordan, UK Government (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office), DAI
Kerusauskaite, Ingrida; Sparrow, James; Mason, Phil (2020), Regional Interventions to Combat Harmful Illicit Financial Flows in the Caribbean, UK Government (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office), DAI
Mason, Phil; Kerusauskaite, Ingrida; Nowotny, Mark; Shah, Shivani (2020), Montserrat public services baseline assessment, UK Government (Department for International Development), DAI
Kerusauskaite, Ingrida; Odulaja, Fehintola; Kempner, Jessica; (2019), Political economy analysis of investment promotion agencies in Nigeria, UK Government (Department for International Development), IMC Worldwide
Souki, Khalil; Wentworth, Lesley; Kerusauskaite, Ingrida; Kempner, Jessica; Brown, Taylor (2019), Political economy analysis of investment promotion agencies in South Africa, UK Government (DFID), IMC Worldwide
Olson, Jason; Kerusauskaite, Ingrida; Clarke, Jeremy (2017), Financial Accountability and Anti-Corruption Partnerships, UK Government (Department for International Development)