• Books
Teisės į nuosavybę, teisės į ūkinės veiklos laisvę ir iniciatyvą, vartotojų teisių užtikrinimo problemos

The peculiarities of the realization of the right to property, the right to freedom of individual economic activity and initiative, and rights of consumers in Lithuania during the period of 2008– 2012 are analyzed in this study.

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Authors: Kristina Ambrazevičiūtė, Johanas Baltrimas, dr. Eglė Mauricė-Mackuvienė
doc. dr. Vytautas Gavelis, doc. dr. Lina Novikovienė

Dėl LNK ir TV3 programose paskelbtos informacijos nepilnamečių apsaugos nuo neigiamos viešosios informacijos poveikio ir asmenų teisės į privatų gyvenimą atžvilgiu

Researcher’s Kristina Ambrazavičiūtė from the Law Institute of Lithuania, Legal system research department expert’s conclusion about the information in programmes of TV channels LNK and TV3 whether it effects minors with negative public information and does it guarantee privacy rights. Vilnius, 2012.

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Authors: Kristina Ambrazevičiūtė

Savanorystė probacijos sistemoje: prielaidos ir galimybės

The publication describes premises and possibilities for volunteering in probation system. It as well discusses the concept of volunteering and probation seeking to unify these two phenomena into one context, to encourage volunteering in the probation system.

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Authors: dr. Gintautas Sakalauskas (grupės vadovas ir mokslinis redaktorius), dr. Algimantas Čepas, dr. Simonas Nikartas, Laura Ūselė
dr. Marta Gavrilovienė, dr. Antanas Jatkevičius, dr. Remigijus Šimašius

Dirbančių nuteistųjų valstybinio socialinio draudimo reguliavimo ypatumai ir perspektyvos Lietuvoje

The study aims to answer the question whether there are any preconditions for expanding the scope of state social insurance regarding working prisoners. Currently, working prison inmates cannot enjoy full protection of state social insurance system. Prisoners are covered only partially because they are entitled only to social insurance against labour accidents and occupational diseases. In addition, they can insure themselves individually.

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Authors: Mindaugas Lankauskas
prof. dr. Audrius Bitinas, dr. Vida Petrylaitė

Senaties institutas baudžiamojoje justicijoje

The monograph presents fundamental study of statutes of limitation (StL) in criminal justice system. It overviews and classifies different theoretical backgrounds for statutes of limitation and takes critical approach to discuss them.

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Authors: dr. Skirmantas Bikelis
doc. dr. Egidijus Bieliūnas, doc. dr. Anna Drakšienė, dr. Antanas Jatkevičius

Nuteistųjų ir grįžusiųjų iš įkalinimo įstaigų integracijos modelis

The publication describes the model of integration of convicted persons and former prisoners into the society and labour market. It was prepared by the working group consisting of members from the Law Institute of Lithuania, the organisation Caritas of the Vilnius archdiocese, the Lithuanian Prisoners’ Care Society, and the Probation Service in Vilnius District which participated in the project supported by the Cohesion Fund of the European Union.

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Authors: dr. Gintautas Sakalauskas, Vaidas Kalpokas
dr. Gytis Andrulionis, dr. Antanas Jatkevičius, dr. Gabrielė Juodkaitė-Granskienė

Nepilnamečių baudžiamosios atsakomybės ypatumų taikymo 18-20 metų jaunuoliams Lietuvoje tyrimas

The survey was conducted seeking to systematically analyse the application of peculiarities of criminal liability for youths of 18-20 years of age together with the relating problems, and to provide proposals on the consecutive development of criminal liability of minors to address young adults.

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Authors: Laura Ūselė, Margarita Dobrynina
dr. Skirmantas Bikelis, dr. Inga Kudinavičiūtė-Michailovienė

Baudžiamoji politika Lietuvoje: tendencijos ir lyginamieji aspektai

This research aimed to go deep into the decisions adopted in the field of criminal policy in Lithuania and in international level during the latest decades, and to summarise and accumulate insights allowing to see the adopted decisions from a distance, circumstances of their adoption, the contemporary expectations, and, finally, the results.

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Authors: dr. Gintautas Sakalauskas (grupės vadovas ir mokslinis redaktorius), dr. Skirmantas Bikelis, Vaidas Kalpokas, dr. Aušra Pocienė
dr. Antanas Jatkevičius, doc. dr. Simona Mesonienė, prof. habil. dr. Vytautas Piesliakas