By dates

Author: Raimundas Kalesnykas
Topic category: Penitentiary Law

The research study "The Concept of Dynamic Security in Places of Deprivation of Liberty" (hereinafter referred to as the research study) by Dr. Rokas Uscila, Senior Research Fellow at the Lithuanian Institute of Law, is aimed at solving a topical and, at the same time, complex problem of the changes in the system of execution of penalties in the area of the perception of the concept of dynamic security and its introduction into the places of detention.

Author: Mindaugas Girdauskas
Topic category: Constitutional Law

The article examines the problems arising in legal science and practice with regard to the compatibility of the wording of court judgments terminating criminal proceedings with the presumption of innocence, the possibility of finding that the defendant has committed a criminal offense and granting civil damages to the victim when criminal proceedings are terminated upon expiry of the statute of limitations, and the possibility to grant civil damages when the proceedings are terminated on the grounds of release from criminal liability.

Author: Milda BURNYTĖ
Topic category: Criminology

This article examines the problem of low trust in political and legal institutions in Lithuania. In the context of European countries, Lithuania has one of the lowest rates of trust in political and legal institutions. 

Author: Aušra Pocienė, Margarita Dobrynina
Topic category: Criminology

The article presents socio-demographic portrait of convicted who have been accused for the drug related crime in Lithuania. The portrait has been composed on the basis of Lithuanian data of criminal cases (2005–2009). It makes an alternative for the official statistical data which is too aggregated and imprecise in order to measure correlation between individual features and kind of crime or sentence.

Topic category: Criminology

Mein letztes Forschungsfreisemester verbrachte ich im Sommersemester 2005 als Gast an der Mykolas Romeris Universität in Vilnius. Meine Wahl war auf dieses Land, diese Stadt und diese Hochschule gefallen, weil meine Fakultät mit dem Lehrstuhl für Sozialpolitik an der MRU seit 3 Jahren eine Hochschulpartnerschaft unterhält und ich bereits mehrfach die Möglichkeit gehabt hatte, mich mehr oder weniger flüchtig dort umzusehen.

Author: Simonas NIKARTAS
Topic category: Criminology

The article analyzes different aspects of community crime prevention, referring to the studies conducted by foreign researchers. It also discusses the concept of community crime prevention and its main forms of implementation. The main attention is paid to the effectiveness of this type of crime prevention.

Author: René van SWAANINGEN
Topic category: Criminology

This article examines the challenges and difficulties of an interdisciplinary approach in criminology. It does so by first briefly describing criminology’s history, thereby pointing at its rather weak epistemological history.


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