Author: Mindaugas LANKAUSKAS
Topic category: Criminal Law Policy
This article analyzes drug control policy and legal regimes in Lithuania and other European countries.
Author: Mindaugas LANKAUSKAS
Topic category: Criminal Law Policy
This article analyzes drug control policy and legal regimes in Lithuania and other European countries.
Author: Gintautas SAKALAUSKAS
Topic category: Criminal Law Policy, Penitentiary Law
Im Aufsatz werden die theoretischen und praktischen Probleme der Entlassung aus dem Strafvollzug zur Bewährung in Litauen behandelt.
Author: Girius IVOŠKA
Topic category: Criminal Law Policy
The subject of the article is the drawbacks of the penal policy in the field of regulation of criminal liability for smuggling and customs fraud. The purpose of the analysis is to introduce the measures for increasing the effectiveness of the combatting smuggling and customs fraud through improvement of the quality of legislation and its application.
Author: Fritz SACK
Topic category: Criminal Law Policy, Criminology
In the article F. Sack concentrates on reactions to crime by the society and the state. This is the central question which has brought about a kind of paradigmatic shift in criminology in the beginning of the sixties and which is closely connected with a new generation of essentially sociological scholars who were working in the field of crime and social control.
Author: Helmut KURY, Martin BRANDENSTEIN
Topic category: Criminal Law Policy, Criminology
In den letzten Jahren wurde in der deutschen wie auch der internationalen Kriminologie vermehrt die Frage aufgeworfen, inwieweit sich die Sanktions einstellungen in der Bevölkerung bzw. das Sanktionsverhalten der offiziellen Kontroll- und Sanktionsinstanzen verschärft haben.
Author: Eglė Kavoliūnaitė
Topic category: Criminal Law, Criminal Law Policy
The article deals with confiscation as one of the legal measures intended, on the one hand, for the punishment of the person who has committed a crime, and, on the other hand, for the prevention of economic crimes or other offences.
Author: Gintautas SAKALAUSKAS
Topic category: Criminal Law, Criminal Law Policy
Im Aufsatz werden die Fragen des litauischen Jugendstrafrechts behandelt.
Author: Skirmantas Bikelis, Gintautas Sakalauskas
Topic category: Criminal Law, Criminal Law Policy, Penitentiary Law
The article provides an analysis of the international standards, foreign theory and practice relating to parole of life-sentenced persons; a legal and practical situation is presented, and proposals on how it should and could be changed are given.
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