Administrative Law

Author: Laura ŪSELĖ
Topic category: Administrative Law
, Criminal Proceedings Law

The article examines the changes of juvenile justice legal background during the execution of Juvenile Justice Program 2009-2013 in Lithuania. The general overview of the recent trends shows that legal changes in the area of juvenile justice were not systematic, adequate and…

Author: Johanas BALTRIMAS
Topic category: Administrative Law

In 2016 statutory law on judicial administrative procedure was signifcantly amended. This inevitably leads to question whether case law, which was laid out in light of earlier statutory law, is going to be followed or can be ignored. The paper deals with this issue, particularly focusing on questions when it is mandatory, permitted or illegal to follow this previous case-law.

Topic category: Administrative Law
, Criminology

This article aims to describe the sociodemographic portrait of offenders who were punished for illegal trade of cigarettes. It also aims at showing the correlations between the characteristics of the offences and the properties of the offenders who commit them.

Author: Laura ŪSELĖ
Topic category: Administrative Law

The article examines the changes of juvenile justice legal background during the execution of Juvenile Justice Program 2009-2013 in Lithuania. The general overview of the recent trends shows that legal changes in the area of juvenile justice were not systematic, adequate and…