Topic category: Criminology

Mein letztes Forschungsfreisemester verbrachte ich im Sommersemester 2005 als Gast an der Mykolas Romeris Universität in Vilnius. Meine Wahl war auf dieses Land, diese Stadt und diese Hochschule gefallen, weil meine Fakultät mit dem Lehrstuhl für Sozialpolitik an der MRU seit 3 Jahren eine Hochschulpartnerschaft unterhält und ich bereits mehrfach die Möglichkeit gehabt hatte, mich mehr oder weniger flüchtig dort umzusehen.

Author: Aušra Gavėnaitė
Topic category: Criminology

The article represents general overview of critical criminology. It briefly shows in what academic context it has emerged in the United States, Great Britain and continental Europe. The main focus is on critical criminological discourse of 6th –7th decades in the XXth century in continental Europe. The article overviews the main ideas of critical criminology: deconstruction and abolitionism, by representing works of the three eminent Dutch criminologists: W.Bonger, H.Bianchi and L.Hulsman.

Author: Karolis Jovaišas
Topic category: Theory of Law

Freedom of opinions, believes and views analyzed in this article is a very important aspect of freedom of speech or self-expression. Fundamental principals of the implementation of such the freedom and the grouds of its restrictions are stated in the international documents on human rights and in national Constitution.

Author: Karolis Jovaišas
Topic category: Theory of Law

The Constitutional principle of human equality express their formal equality and the prohibition to discrimate equal people or, contrarily, to accord them priviledges. However, formal human equality does not disprove their actual ineguality and it even helps to occur for such. There exist no thorough research of human equality theoretical and practical problems but only fragmentary attempts in lithuanian legal literature.

Author: Karolis Jovaišas
Topic category: Theory of Law

Article’s author agrees that dominant approach according which freedom understandable as individual right to act under his will if it is not illegal or harmful to other persons is still actual. On the other hand author holds principal position that thorough and reality based analysis of the right to freedom must go beyond the borders of the mentioned approach.

Author: Karolis Jovaišas
Topic category: Theory of Law

Comprehensive, objective and impartial analysis of justice in this article makes it possible to state, that in spite of broad sceptical attitude towards moral reliativism, justice is not just a valuable but also relative category.

Author: Mindaugas Lankauskas
Topic category:
Human Rights

The article deals with relationship between right to privacy and freedom of expression according to the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights. Although privacy protection and freedom of expression have been partially analyzed in Lithuanian legal doctrine the comprehensive assessment taking into account the context of European Convention of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms is desirable.

Topic category: Commercial Law

Contrat de franchisage est un moyen de la distribution des marchandises de point de vue juridique d’une part très simple, d’autre part très complexe. Simplicité de contrat franchisage en tant que technique contractuelle repose sur le fait que le contrat de franchisage est régit par le code civil lituanien où nous trouvons entre autre des clauses contractuelles ad exemplum.

Author: Salomėja ZAKSAITĖ, Michail BRON
Topic category: Civil Proceedings Law, Constitutional Law

In this article the right to appeal is analyzed. Although it may be possible to state that Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania recognized this right as fundamental constitutional right and a part of a right to trial, the restrictions of said right do not contradict its constitutionality.


Turinio pabaiga.