Criminal Proceedings Law

Author: Mindaugas Girdauskas
Topic category: Criminal Proceedings Law

The article provides at length an exploration of cases when an accused should be informed in advance about possible re-qualification of incriminated deed by trial court. This is fulfilled by analysis of foreign and international law, practice of the European Court of Human Rights and the Supreme Court of Lithuania.

Author: Skirmantė GADEIKYTĖ
Topic category: Criminal Proceedings Law, Constitutional Law, Legislation

The purpose of the report is to share insights on the topic of the conference - the relationship between public interest and legitimate expectations as constitutional values, to review the powers and competence of the prosecutor as a universal public interest protection entity, to discuss the legal prerequisites and conditions of the prosecutor's intervention in the existing legal relations, to reveal in what aspects individuals the problem of legitimate expectations is relevant for the public interest protection function of the prosecutor.

Author: Laura ŪSELĖ
Topic category: Administrative Law
, Criminal Proceedings Law

The article examines the changes of juvenile justice legal background during the execution of Juvenile Justice Program 2009-2013 in Lithuania. The general overview of the recent trends shows that legal changes in the area of juvenile justice were not systematic, adequate and…

Topic category: Criminal Law
, Criminal Proceedings Law

The article deals with the issues of changes of criminal liability applied to a legal person after the changes in the Article 20 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Lithuania and in the Article 387 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Republic of Lithuania which have been made by the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania on the 10th of November 2016. The author is analysing how these changes were impacted by international obligations of Lithuania according to international conventions where the issues of criminal liability of a legal person are incorporated.