Author: Evaldas VISOCKAS
Topic category: Criminology
The article analyses trust and confidence in institutions of criminal justice system in Lithuania.
Author: Evaldas VISOCKAS
Topic category: Criminology
The article analyses trust and confidence in institutions of criminal justice system in Lithuania.
Author: Milda BURNYTĖ
Topic category: Criminology
This article examines the problem of low trust in political and legal institutions in Lithuania. In the context of European countries, Lithuania has one of the lowest rates of trust in political and legal institutions.
Author: Aušra Pocienė, Margarita Dobrynina
Topic category: Criminology
The article presents socio-demographic portrait of convicted who have been accused for the drug related crime in Lithuania. The portrait has been composed on the basis of Lithuanian data of criminal cases (2005–2009). It makes an alternative for the official statistical data which is too aggregated and imprecise in order to measure correlation between individual features and kind of crime or sentence.
Topic category: Criminology
Mein letztes Forschungsfreisemester verbrachte ich im Sommersemester 2005 als Gast an der Mykolas Romeris Universität in Vilnius. Meine Wahl war auf dieses Land, diese Stadt und diese Hochschule gefallen, weil meine Fakultät mit dem Lehrstuhl für Sozialpolitik an der MRU seit 3 Jahren eine Hochschulpartnerschaft unterhält und ich bereits mehrfach die Möglichkeit gehabt hatte, mich mehr oder weniger flüchtig dort umzusehen.
Author: Simonas NIKARTAS
Topic category: Criminology
The article analyzes different aspects of community crime prevention, referring to the studies conducted by foreign researchers. It also discusses the concept of community crime prevention and its main forms of implementation. The main attention is paid to the effectiveness of this type of crime prevention.
Author: Aušra Pocienė
Topic category: Criminology
The article aims to show that the issue of city safety could be tackled through maintenance of physical and social order and through the wise urban planning besides the organized police efforts. City planners and architects should take an active part in this activity.
Author: Svetlana JUSTICKAJA
Topic category: Criminology
The aims of this report are: To assess the rate of transition to the modern crime prevention in Lithuania; to reveal factors behind the resistance to this transition.
Author: Margarita DOBRYNINA
Topic category: Criminology
This article discusses one of the most relevant contemporary criminological problems – crime fear. The issue of crime fear emerged four decades ago and became of big importance to political, professional and public discourses.
Author: Vaidas Kalpokas
Topic category: Criminology
Rapid development of modern technologies and changes of social and everyday life are often discussed by social scholars including of those interested in legal and criminological reasearch. Schemes which are usual in a „real“ world often do not apply for the social relationships in virtual reality often referred to as „new social reality“. The article discusses different theoretical points of view and original concepts whether crimes in virtual reality are traditional or innovative.
Topic category: Criminology
The article deals with the problems of the fear of crime in the modern urban society. Various types of insecurities present in big cities have increasingly become a theme of research in criminology and urban sociology.
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