Criminal Law

Author: Skirmantas BIKELIS
Topic category: Criminal Law

The study focuses on the problem of fair levels of awards for personal injury and loss of relative‘s life. Though it seems that “objective” and universal definition of fair levels of awards does not exist, the attempt to formulate guidelines for motivation for decisions to award proper (fair) levels of damages as well as recommendations of referential levels was made. In order to fulfill the objectives of the study several consistent steps had to be taken.

Topic category: Criminal Law
, Criminal Proceedings Law

The article deals with the issues of changes of criminal liability applied to a legal person after the changes in the Article 20 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Lithuania and in the Article 387 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Republic of Lithuania which have been made by the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania on the 10th of November 2016. The author is analysing how these changes were impacted by international obligations of Lithuania according to international conventions where the issues of criminal liability of a legal person are incorporated.

Author: Gintautas SAKALAUSKAS
Topic category: Criminal Law

In vielen Länder werden ab und zu Diskussionen über das Mindestalter für eine strafrechtliche Verantwortung geführt. Sie verschärfen sich insbesondere dann, wenn über einige ganz schwere Kriminalfälle der Jugendlichen in den Medien berichtet wird und die Politiker ganz schnell eine passende Lösung für die Probleme der Kinder- und Jugendkriminalität „finden“ wollen.

Topic category: Criminal Law, Criminology

In this article, the mediation practice in Lithuanian criminal justice system is analysed. The project “The Implementation of Mediation in Probation Services (MIPT)” which was implemented by Vilnius Regional Probation Service is the first real initiative to establish mediation in Lithuanian criminal justice system.

Author: Mantas LIESIS
Topic category: Criminal Law

In 2009 in Lithuania after paedophilia scandal the problem of effective preventive measures in cases of sexual crimes against children arose. In the article surgical castration, chemical castration, special registry for people who made sexual crimes are discussed.

Author: Simonas NIKARTAS, Algimantas ČEPAS
Topic category: Criminal Law, Human Rights

The article consists of two parts. The first part reveals essential characteristics of life imprisonment based on the most recent jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights (major attention being given to the case of Vinter and Others v. the United Kingdom). The second part of the article provide evaluation whether the penalty of life imprisonment provided for in the laws of Lithuania meets the standards established by the European Court of Human Rights.


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